acbPowerMeter-this utility is very light-weight, allowing benchmarking of your battery usage. With it you can:
- Measure how much power your cellular or WiFi radio consumes.
- Chart the power usage of bluetooth connections, both idle and active.
- Test your favorite screen-saver.
- Tweak your backlight and see the effect on battery life
BattBench .NET - This little tool does nothing but measure how long last the main battery of your device.
You can run the test measuring how long take the battery level to go down for a few % and based on that time the programs calculates how long will take to go from 100% to 0 considering that the battery life vs time is a lineal function
PocketPC Battery and Memory Monitor, displays the battery charge percent, estimated remaining battery time, and available storage memory, on the today screen of your PocketPC. An advanced algorithm accurately calculates the remaining battery time, based on your usage profile and displays this information on your today screen
Battery Monitor - Battery power information is an essential feature on the PocketPC and very important for people depending on their PocketPC''s, and not only.
You no longer have to worry about how much your battery will last, or go through the entire Control Panel just to see the percentage of remaining power
Battery Pack - The Only Pocket PC Utility You Will Ever Need
The #1 selling Pocket PC program for two straight years - Battery Pack contains nine invaluable tools!
Battery Bar
Displays battery life (in hours & minutes), memory, storage card, backlight, clock & time zone information right on your today screen
Battery Pack Pro-Battery life, memory space, network connection, world time, weather and more. Everything you need, displayed on your today screen. Battery Pack Pro allows you to fully customize your today screen with the things that matter most to you. Personalize the tab view by adding as many programs as you like and launch them with a single click
BatteryAlerterer monitors your PocketPC battery level once a second and when the power is below the selected percentage then the alarm goes off. Select the minimum level of power and the program will alert you when the power is below
BatteryBar - BatteryBar is a Today screen plugin that allows you to view the state of the Pocket PC battery (as a percentage and graphically through a coloured bar), the state of the used memory space (as Mb, percentage, and graphically through a coloured bar), and lastly the state of the storage space memory displayed in the same manner as the others