Notatki - Jesli potrzebujesz na szybko zapisac informacje to ta aplikacja jest dla Ciebie. "Notatki" to aplikacja ktora umozliwia w latwy i przyjemny sposob stworzyc swoja wlasna liste notatek. Notatka moze zawierac nie tylko teks ale rowniez zdjecia i nagrania audio. Aplikacja umozliwia przeszukiwanie stworzonego przez siebie zbioru informacji poprzez wpisywanie fracy jak i oznaczenie w samej notatce tagow. Zachecam do wyprobowania.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
Simple Notes Simple Notes - This basic note taker is very functional for daily tasks, notes, or goals. It will save your notes in an aesthetically pleasing manner, matching the accent color of your phone.
Notes can also be typed in landscape mode
Job Diary Job Diary - Con Job Diary puoi facilmente tenere traccia delle tue giornate lavorative. Salva gli orari di ingresso e uscita dal lavoro per tenere un diario dettagliato del numero di ore che lavori
My 2012 Resolutions My 2012 Resolutions - Time flies so fast, 2012 is coming soon. If you haven't come up with your 2012 New Year's resolution yet, try "My 2011 New Year Resolutions". As many of us already know, the practice of writing something down makes it real. All the best!
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Erminder Erminder will manage one-line notes for anything. erminder is as an evolutionary way to deal with mental notes.
This app integrates with and complements the website. One you have an account on the website, this application allows you to quickly and easily record notes about things and recall them whenever and wherever you need
Simple Notebook This application will allow you to write notes and save them.Similar to a TODO list
Notepad Free This application allow you to create, read, delete, rename notes on your phone
Quick Easy Notes - free Quick Easy Notes - free - Need to write down a QUICK note? Say a license plate number, or your parking spot. This application is for Quick and Easy notes. Notes you do not want to keep forever. This program is small in size and memory usage. No need to load your notes or save. When you exit the program it is saved automatically
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Notatki is compatible with your device Lava Xolo Win Q900S