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FSX Viewer

FSX Viewer

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Travel & Navigation

Upload date: 19 Aug 11


License: Freeware

Downloads: 125
Download Free FSX Viewer 

Rating: 1.7/5 (Total votes: 3)

  FSX Viewer you can track your current flight on Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Start FSX Tracer on your desktop PC and follow your aircraft on your WP7 device using a detailed Bing map! Stay updated with your longitude, latitude, speed and others fundamental flight parameters. A must-have for all flight simmers!

Version 1.5 includes following improvements:
- more information about FSX Tracer
- a simple tutorial of how to use FSX Tracer on your PC
- improved performance during flight tracking

You can find latest version of FSX Tracer here:
This is a .NET 4.0 application: please install latest version of .NET Framework before run FSX Tracer.




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Supported operating systems: Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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