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Version: 1.0

Platforms: Android

Categories: Science & Education

Upload date: 1 Nov 13

Developer: Mohit jain

License: Freeware

Downloads: 668

File Size: 947 Kb
Download Free IndiaHistoryQuiz 

Rating: 2.7/5 (Total votes: 9)

  IndiaHistoryQuiz - Enjoy fun, free India History Quiz at your fingertips! Challenge yourself or share with friends. The multiple-choice quiz format is easy-to-use, fun and educational. Four options for each question, only one right answer!

How to start?

1. Install the application on your Android phone.

2. ‘Sign-up’ to create new account by providing your email id, phone number of the device, name and submit it.

3. Check your email for the password. Once you get the password your account is activated. It may take from few minutes to hours before you get the password. Ensure to check spam folder in case email goes to spam.

4. Log in to the application using your registered email and password received. 

You can also change or reset password from the settings.

Note: Please keep the application updated for new upgrades.

Disclaimer: This is a supplementary tool providing a mechanism of communication.

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Supported operating systems: Google Android 1.5, Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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