LastPass for Symbian S60 is an application that will allow you to carry your LastPass data around with you.
Its intended use is for when you do not have access to a computer, but need to access information in a Secure Note or a Site.
LastPass for Symbian S60 allows you to download all of your LastPass information from the server and store it in a secure, encrypted file that can be saved to your mobile device. As always, this data can only be unlocked using your email address and password.
LastPass for Symbian S60 decrypts your data and displays all of your Secure Notes and Sites in a searchable interface. It also allows you to add, update, and delete Secure Notes and Sites.
· Integrates with your online LastPass account
· Can view, add, update, and delete Sites and Secure Notes
· Launches URLs and Sites in Browser
· Browser integration to quickly search for matching sites
LastPass for iPhone LastPass for iPhone is the last password you'll ever have to remember. Get an account free on using your PC/Mac. Once done you'll have your login and password data on your PC and your iPhone/iPod Touch seamlessly synced via a Host Proof Hosting method which does not allow LastPass (or anyone else) access to your sensitive data
LastPass Password Mgr Premium* LastPass Password Mgr Premium* is an application (available for devices running Google Android 1.5 or later) that will allow you to carry your LastPass data around with you.
LastPass for Android features a built-in browser that will automatically fill your login information for each of your saved LastPass sites
Xmarks for BlackBerry This application lets Xmarks Premium users access all their desktop bookmarks and open tabs on their device
LastPass Tab Browser LastPass Tab Browser combines a full featured tab browser for the iPad with LastPass integration allowing you to use your existing accounts or create new ones with ease.
LastPass is the last password you'll have to remember. It provides a safe and convenient method of storing your passwords while ensuring you can access them on any device anywhere
LastPass for BlackBerry LastPass for BlackBerry is an application that will allow you to carry your LastPass data around with you.
Its intended use is for when you do not have access to a computer, but need to access information in a Secure Note or a Site
LastPass for Dolphin Browser HD LastPass for Dolphin Browser HD - LastPass extension for Dolphin Browser HD.
It allows you to utilize Dolphin Browser HD instead or in addition to the LastPass browser/app for Android
LastPass LastPass - Application that will allow you to carry your LastPass data around with you.
- Built-in browser that will automatically fill your login information for each of your saved LastPass sites
LastPass for Android Secure password manager and form filler that allows you to access your login data from all your mobile devices, computers and web browsers