Fractal Automata Fractal Automata - Two apps in one: Automata and Mandelbrot.
Automata is a simple 256 cellular automata machine. Browse the space of all diagrams in this machine.
Mandelbrot is a seriously awesome mandelbrot navigator and viewer. You can even save frame sequences and return to them later. It's fast. And, the color scheme is pretty cool
Avatar My Face Avatar My Face - Enjoyed the movie? Want to see what you'd look like as an avatar? Well now you can! Just simply import an image from your phone and place a mask over it to create a new image
Postino Postino - Create a real postcard and send it!
We don't just mean "eCard" (although Postino can do that too). We mean "a real, physical postcard". That's right, we print your postcards on super high-quality paper and send them worldwide in few days
Hi Thanks Hi Thanks - This application provides a tool to make personalized greeting or thanks card in a very easy and joyful way.
* A total of 40 funny staffs are provided, including flowers, cake, balloon, X'mas tree and so on.
* Candle, light bulb, and fire works will flicker or twinkle.
* Selection from 10 background color is available
Memes and More Get access to tons of Memes with this application. Have fun!
RGBdecimal Proporciona los colores en RGB y observa la variacion de tonos
KulerCream KulerCream is an app that allows you to discover color themes from Adobe Kuler website.
Current version provides basic browsing features such as sorting by date and popularity, and keyword search.
Kulercream is an experiment project for Red/SAFI UX team to explore Windows Phone 7 and try out creative ideas on this new platform