CellularBASIC is an interpreter for the BASIC programming language, designed especially to run as stand-alone application on mobile phones.
· CellularBASIC is a dialect of QBASIC 1
Debug is an assembly debugger for the Palm OS Emulator, and Simulator. It communicates using the Palm Debugger Protocol. It's a Java application, so it works in all OS environments that support the JVM.
· The disassembler generates more descriptive opcodes. You see your code the way you wrote it.
· Innovative features, easy to use commands
MyWibes FREE and easy to use mobile page creator! You can create your page in minutes and share your photos, video, music, text information with everyone on mobile internet. MyMibes gives you a new way of creating sites. Just 2 buttons which you will use to ad elements. Nice and informative icons which will tell you what to do
Algolight is a programming language that can be used to implement simple mathematical algorithms that operate on variables, vectors and matrices, and includes controls for loops, while loops and if / else structures. The program can also be used as a simple calculator, it supports some trigonometric functions, roots, and logical expressions and relation symbols
W3DGL - This library (distributed as .java file) combines the essential features of mobile 3D graphics in a very small engine so searching standard features in the huge API is obsolete. You create Triangles and Quads, which only require three (four) vectors and an image object (for texturing) as arguments, and add them to an instance of Engine
W3D2 is a more accurate and efficient version of W3D, the Library for easy 3D programming. From the ground up again. Contains floating-point simulation and simulation of trigonometric functions. The sample program Sample.java that represents a rotatable textured cube, which is 2741 bytes long
google-api-translate-javame this project provides a simple API to use Google Translate on the JavaME (J2ME) platform. It uses the Google AJAX Language API to do the translation via a HTTP connection