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Weight Loss Table for HanDBase

Weight Loss Table for HanDBase
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, BlackBerry, Smartphone

Categories: Databases

Upload date: 23 Oct 11

Developer: Carolyn S. DeGroff

License: Freeware

Downloads: 128

File Size: 4 Kb
Download Free Weight Loss Table for HanDBase 

Rating: 2.0/5 (Total votes: 1)

  Weight Loss Table for HanDBase - Track weekly weight loss to reach target weight goal. Fields: Week #, Date, Start Weight (record starting weight for the week), Current Weight (weekly weigh in), Loss (calculates weekly loss), Total Loss (calculates total weight loss todate), Height in Inches (Set the default in this field to your height in inches; needed to calculate BMI, Target Weight, and Calories), BMI (Calculation based on weight and height), Target Weight (Calculation based on current weight and BMI) and Calories Needed (Calculation based on target weight). The Calories Needed field is the total number of calories required to reach and maintain the Target Weight per USA guidelines. Calculations use formulas established by US Department of Health. Includes sample data to illustrate the calculations. Delete the records before using.

Easy to use simple database for tracking weight loss. As previously stated the formulas used for the BMI, Target Weight, and Calories Needed calculations are from the USA Department of Health. This database should be useful to those on any type of weight loss program.
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Requirements: HanDBase v.2.7x or greater

Supported operating systems: Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, Pocket PC 2002, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.2, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.3, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.5, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.6, RIM BlackBerry OS 4.7, RIM BlackBerry OS 5.0, RIM BlackBerry OS 6.0, S60 1st Edition, S60 2nd Edition, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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