Catholic Popes for HanDBase - This is a complete list of all 265 Catholic Popes to date. This Applet includes the "Number" they were, their name as Pope, and the years they served as pope, From and Until. After Installation this Applet will be in the Unfiled Category.
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Requirements:HanDBase v.3.0x or greater
Supported operating systems:
Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, Pocket PC 2002, S60 1st Edition, S60 2nd Edition, S60 3rd Edition, S60 3rd Edition FP1, S60 3rd Edition FP2, S60 5th Edition, S80 6.0, S80 7.0, S90 7.0, UIQ 2.0, UIQ 3.0, UIQ 3.1, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
Cases for HanDBase Cases for HanDBase - Keep track of trials and cases with this Database. Could be useful for Attorneys, Judges, and law enforcement personnel.
This is a good starting point for using this in your case-tracking work. There is a database for keeping a listing of Judges, one for Attorneys, and also a linked action list to keep track of what was done, and what's left to do
Delta Data Task Master for HanDBase Delta Data Task Master for HanDBase - A tool to allow management staff to track delegated tasks across an enterprise. This database can be distributed across an organization and includes an update service, providing managers with an organization-wide view of tasks. It is built to be used by mulitple users, with periodic data consolidation
MommaLog for HanDBase MommaLog for HanDBase - Mommalog is a journaling/tracking tool enabling moms to keep a running record of day-to-day events in their children's lives. From major milestones (e.g
lma Guide for HanDBase Quick listing of lma sizes with mask size per weight, with length, cuff volume, largest ETT diameter, and fiber optic scope size
Time Log for HanDBase Time Log for HanDBase - Keep track of the projects you are working on. Lots of room for customization in this one! You can change the 'Charge to' field to be a DB Popup, and have it point into a database of customers you may have. You could add in a rate calculation and have it figure out the rate charged by calculating (rate * duration)
Anniversaries for HanDBase A list of the "traditional" and "modern" gifts to give for a given wedding anniversary
Newbery Awards for HanDBase Newbery Awards for HanDBase - A simple database of all Newbery Medal and Honor books. A convenient list of top books for children for the next visit to the local library. Has a checkoff for books read. The Newbery awards are presented every year by the American Library Association. The information in this database was verified with their website
Other Software by developer «David Devaney»:
Sunday Shopper for HanDBase Sunday Shopper for HanDBase - This shopping guide allows you to enter all of the items you see in the Sunday ads that you want to buy. This way you won't have to take all those ads with you and you will still know what to get. It even has fields for entering whether you get rebates and if you need a form to mail in
Relationship Linking Example for HanDBase Relationship Linking Example for HanDBase-This applet is a set of databases that shows an example of how to use the Relationship field instead of the Link and Linked fields to set up or maintain existing relationships
Company Directory for HanDBase Company Directory for HanDBase-this applet lets you keep track of the people in your company, thier phone numbers, email addresses, schedules, bosses and who they oversee. It has the following fields:
Type(allows you to select if this is an extension, a cue or just a voice mail box
Tip Table for HanDBase Tip Table for HanDBase-this is a basic table for figuring Tips for Meals, etc. It has dollar amounts from $1.00 to $100.00 and the corresponding 15% and 20% tips. You can of course add more dollar amounts and more tip percentages. This applet will be in the Unfiled category after you install it
Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for HanDBase Works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for HanDBase -This database lists all of the works of WA Mozart according to the original Koechel listing. This currently does not list the new Koechel number. In addition to the Koechel number it lists the Koechel suffix if applicable, the title of the piece, approximately when it was composed and the place it was composed
Priority Color Test for HanDBase This DB has conditional fields which evaluate a Priority field. Then the form has three separate options in different colors for the priorities
Comparison Computer Shopper for HanDBase Comparison Computer Shopper for HanDBase - This Applet is intended to be used while shopping for that New Super Powered computer. You set up your *Ideal Computer* and then while you shop in stores, online, in ads, or anywhere you can enter the Specs for the computers you are interested in. Has a separate section for Monitor information