Star Pilot Platinum offers every astronomy related product produced by Star Pilot Technologies and MEW3 software. It contains the following:
Star Pilot - The most full featured program on the market for the Palm Computing Platform
Sun & Moon is a bundle of two general purpose astronomy applications, Sol! II & Moon Info! While both are extremely valuable tools for astronomers, they are also well suited for everyday use
Night Sky is an application that is designed to help backyard astronomers, teachers, parents and any one else learn about the 88 constellations and their major stars. A simple user interface allows users to quickly display any of the constellations and a single tap further identifies any displayed star
Sol System is a program designed to show the position and orbit for all the planets in the Sol system (Sol being the name of our star). This kind of display is sometimes called an orrery and is useful in seeing planetary alignment for various dates.
· Main screen displays as many planets as you wish at varying zoom levels
NGC! is a complete NGC/IC observing program. It can display information about over 13,000 NGC/IC objects as well as keep an observer log that may be exported to your desktop computer
Satellites of the Solar System - This is Smartlist To Go (formerly ThinkDB) database contain a listing of the satellites of the 9 major planets and those found around asteroids and minor planets.
This database is complete free and will remain so for all future updates
Astronomy Guide Database for Palm OS - Just how big is Jupiter?
Need some fast facts about our solar system? Your search has ended! The Astronomy Guide Pocket Directory Database is the perfect reference source for looking up planets, stars, constellations, and even the history of space travel
TTMobil - A program to show your special table data - time table or any other event table - on your Pilot. Includes a perl script for converting data to pdb-files.
Documentation available here:
Make your own tables online here: