iFD GeometryBOX comprises the best-selling Pocket PC math utility for students and engineers iFDGeometry as well as its Windows based equivalent iFD Geometry WIN. iFD Geometry allows You to calculate the elements, perimeters and areas of geometric shapes as triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, circle, ellipse.
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Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0
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iFD Convert iFD Convert is a Symbian OS professional Converter which allows you to convert values between any type of units. iFD Convert supports over 30 built ? in Categoriesand more than 400 Measures. iFD Convert also provides the possibility for adding your own measurement types. It has a unique professional design and it is easy to use
iFD Geometry iFD Geometry is a Pocket PC utility that allows You to calculate the elements, perimeters and areas of geometric shapes as triangle, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, circle, ellipse. You can easily change any object of the geometric figures and calculate its elements again
iFD Convert iFD Convert - More than 400 real measures ordered in 32 categories. Enjoy the ability of adding your own units to the existing ones or create your own directories with measures. See the unit''s conversion in up to 8 more different measures at one time. Sophisticated and powerful tool with easy user-friendly interface
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