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Top Rated Shopping Software for i-mate K-JAM
Total Software: 158
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HotUKDeals For Windows MobileHotUKDeals For Windows Mobile Pocket PC Version: 2.02 updated
Upload date: 3 Apr 10
Tags: Entertainment
HotUKDeals For Windows Mobile-Deal finding application utilising the Hot UK Deals website for Windows Mobile. 2nd generation of the application now supports expired deals and full searching Supports data connection and wifi for deal finding as well as searching based on key words, retailer or even type of deal. For more information visit
ShoppingLimiterShoppingLimiter Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 13 Jan 12
Tags: Entertainment, Finance
ShoppingLimiter - This program allows you to enter the total money you plan to spend and logs the items that you buy. The program displays the limit and if you are over/under. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
SpeedyCaddySpeedyCaddy Pocket PC Version: 1.50
Upload date: 26 May 10
Tags: Entertainment
An easy and powerfull shopping List manager
Shopping Lists ManagerShopping Lists Manager Pocket PC Version: 1.20 updated
Upload date: 12 Apr 10
Tags: Entertainment, Organisation & Productivity
Shopping Lists Manager-With the free valuephone Shopping Lists Manager shopping is fun! Create and edit shopping lists as you please, clearly organize them and have them available at any time. By simple checking off the items are marked as “Got it” and can just be hidden, if desired. With the optional free registration with the associated portal www.valuephone
ChangePurchasesChangePurchases Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 7 Sep 11
Tags: Entertainment, Finance
ChangePurchases - This program allows you to enter the things that you purchase using coins. This way you can save your larger bills. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
AmazonIt!AmazonIt! Pocket PC Version: 1.3 updated
Upload date: 14 Sep 10
Tags: Entertainment
AmazonIt! helps you shop. Ever see an item on the shelf that looks interesting, but you wonder A) if you can find it cheaper online? B) if it's any good? That's where AmazonIt! comes in. Using AmazonIt!, you can scan a product's UPC or EAN barcode, and see its price and ratings
DrugSMSerDrugSMSer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 12 Jan 11
Tags: Entertainment, Healthcare & Medicine
DrugSMSer can be used to order drugs from a drug dealer via SMS. Enter a list of dealers and SMS phone numbers and when you want to make a purchase select the dealer and drug type and amount and then 'order'. The drug order will be sent via SMS
PocketShoppingPocketShopping Pocket PC Version: 2.0 updated
Upload date: 5 Jan 11
Tags: Entertainment, Organisation & Productivity
PocketShopping is a totally free shopping list software for Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to maintain a master list of products you buy on a regular basis. · Finger-friendly user interface with smart scrolling, gestures and animation effects, similar to iPhone applications. · Group the products by shop and by category
SubTotalSubTotal Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 8 Sep 11
Tags: Entertainment, Finance
SubTotal - This program allows you to do a quick 'subtotal' before you go to a cashier. You can also adjust the tax rates. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
Comparison Auto Shopper for HanDBaseComparison Auto Shopper for HanDBase Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, Smartphone Version: 1.0
Upload date: 12 Aug 10
Tags: Databases, Entertainment
Comparison Auto Shopper for HanDBase-this Applet is intended to be used while shopping for a car. You would first enter your *Ideal Vehicle* and then as you shop you would enter the details for each vehicle that your are interested in
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i-mate K-JAM

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