Dictionary of Home Building Terms new - Contains about 900 terms with clear explanations of technical terminology and technologies used in the Home building field, including common terms, insider jargon, acronyms, and new concepts
Winner of Best Dictionary in the 2004 Pocket PC Awards! The first speaking english dictionary with 182,000 entries, 4100 + idioms, Thesaurus, Grammar Handbook, smart Study Assistant and more... Windows Mobile 5.0 ready!
English to Vietnamese lexicon with 102,890 entries(added 23,400 keywords)
Vietnamese to English lexicon with 23,437 entries
Vietnamese to Vietnamese with 30,150 entries
FREE LEXICONS New: New dictionary NF: Not Free
Medical Dictionay Medical & Pharma Abbreviations Cancer Dictionary Chemistry Dictionary Dictionary of Biology Terms International Business Dictionary Dictionary of Auditing & Accounting Terms Dictionary of International Economics Glossary of Electronics Terms Glossary of Energy Terms Dictionary of Environment Dream Interpretation Dictionary Dictionary of Insurance Terms
Japanese 2 English Dictionary NF new English Lexicon Audio Enlgish Dictionary NF new Thesaurus Dictionary NF Dictionary of English Idioms NF 800 Common errors in English American-British Dictionary English-Portugese Dictionary German to English Dictionary Project Management Glossary Dictionary of Real Estate Terms Dictionary of Textile Terms
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Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0
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· Horizontal and Landscape support
Multi-Tab browsing support:
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