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Best Multimedia & Graphics Software for i-Mate 8502 Ultimate
SOMPY MovieEncoder XnView Pocket
DVD Catalyst 3 VITO Voice2Go
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New Multimedia & Graphics Software for i-Mate 8502 Ultimate
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GIFANMPlayerGIFANMPlayer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 19 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
GIFANMPlayer - GIFANMPlayer is an animated GIF file viewer for Windows Mobile. To use the app, locate the folder containing the animated GIFs with the built-in explorer and tap on a file. The program will use the internal WindowsCE services to display the animation. Please note that the application re-sizes the animation for the display
PodcastsWebmasterRadioPodcastsWebmasterRadio Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 19 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
PodcastsWebmasterRadio - PodcastsWebmasterRadio provides an easy way to open the mobile version of the website. To use the app, simply press the button while connected to the internet to search and download podcasts. The service is provided by WebmasterRadio
MP3ID3FilerMP3ID3Filer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3Filer - MP3ID3Filer allows you to add album art to an MP3 file by inserting a JPEG file to its IDv3 tag. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it, and then locate the JPEG file. The software uses the Mp3ID3 libraries from the UNIX version of CID3v2 by Marcos Paulo Ferreira
MP3ID3DrawingMP3ID3Drawing Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3Drawing - MP3ID3Drawing allows you to draw the album art for an MP3 file and add it to its IDv3 tag. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it. The program will then open the drawing composer. When you have finished, the program will insert the drawing as album art
MP3ID3CameraMP3ID3Camera Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3Camera - MP3ID3Camera allows you to add album art to an MP3 file by inserting a picture taken with the camera to its IDv3 tag. To use the app, select the MP3 file and press the 'Create ID3' button to start the camera. When you take a picture, the program will insert it as album art
MP3ID3GoogleMP3ID3Google Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3Google - MP3ID3Google allows you to add album art to an MP3 file by inserting the top image from Google search to its IDv3 tag. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it. The app will then download the top Google search image and insert it as album art. The software uses the Mp3ID3 libraries from the UNIX version of CID3v2 by Marcos Paulo Ferreira
MP3ID3GoogleThumbnailsMP3ID3GoogleThumbnails Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3GoogleThumbnails - MP3ID3GoogleThumbnails allows you to add album art to an MP3 file by inserting the selected top image from Google search to its IDv3 tag. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it. The app will then download the top Google search images and allow you to select one as album art
MP3ID3LastFMThumbnailsMP3ID3LastFMThumbnails Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3LastFMThumbnails - MP3ID3LastFM adds album art to IDv3 tags of MP3 files using Last.FM. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it. The program will then download the top 10 images of the band from Last.FM and allow you to add one of them to the MP3 file as album art. The software uses the Mp3ID3 libraries from UNIX CID3v2 by Marcos Paulo Ferreira
MP3ID3RemoverMP3ID3Remover Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
MP3ID3Remover - MP3ID3Remover clears the IDv3 tags of MP3 files. To use the app, select the desired MP3 file and tap on it. The program will then remove the album art and song information from the file. The software uses the Mp3ID3 libraries from UNIX CID3v2 by Marcos Paulo Ferreira
GIFANMFolderConvertGIFANMFolderConvert Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 16 Jan 13
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
GIFANMFolderConvert - GIFANMFolderConvert creates an animated GIF using all the image files in a folder. You can select the desired frame rate. The app supports BMP, GIF, PNG, TIFF and JPG image files. The software uses the GIF animation libraries from WhirlGIF by Mark Podlipec
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i-Mate 8502 Ultimate

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12TCPMP & Master Codec Pack 6
13Winamp Skin Pack #1 PocketMusic MP3 Player
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16DVD Catalyst
18SOMPY MovieEncoder
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21XnView Pocket
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23Windows Media Player for Pocket PC
24ACR - Auto Call Recorder
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