Smore - What is S'more? S'more is an outliner, and something more
S'more is a task oriented outliner designed to be highly flexible without requiring the user to constantly configure their data. It focuses on getting data in. When a new S'more document is created you select from a number of predefined style sheets.Style sheets work like Microsoft Word Document Templates. A set of styles are defined for the document so the users doesn't need to constantly reformat data.
The predefined styles sheets allow you to create outlines to:
- Take Notes
- Priority list
- Create PowerPoint like presentations
- Check list with roll-up (and roll-down!)
- Tasks progress list
Several ways of viewing data
S'more supports several ways of visualizing data:
- Tree - A classic Ouline view
- List - Flatten saving screen space
- Graphical - visualize data like an org chart
- Slide - Great for presentations
- Hyperbolic - Also know as fish eye view
- Zoom including on the PocketPC
On the job or on the road
S'more comes with both a Windows Desktop version and a Pocket PC making it possible to take notes in meetings and review them back at your desk. Or build a list of contacts, and quickly look them up on the road.
Built for compatibility
Now you can Import your data in OPML, Streamline or Pocket Outliner and with the extensible Import and Export framework you could translate data from or to any format.
S'more's file format is XML making it easy to translate data to and from any external format.
S'more also natively supports the emerging OPML standard. OPML is an XML subset for Outliners. S'More can open and save OPML files. Additional attributes are supported as well.
The XML format also makes it easy to create additional style sheets to add the styles you want the most.
S'More also supports unlimited Undo and redo.
Export data to popular applications
S'More is great for capturing your idea and notes. Its also easy to transfer to popular programs with rich formatting limiting the need to reformat in the new format. The export functionality is fully expandable using standard tools of XSLT and Windows Scripting.
- Export to HTML, Word
- Export PowerPoint keeps note pages
- Print directly from S'More desktop
New in version 1.2
- Drag and Drop nodes
- Mouse wheel support on Desktop
- Zoom on desktop and PocketPC!
- Additional numbering style (Numeric 1,2,3 and Legal 1, 1.1,1.1.1)
- Most recently used file list
- Bugfixes fixing problem in previous versions
- This is the version to get
- S'More is on the way
New in version 1.3
- Encrypted/password protected files
- Export includes bullets
- Export to MHT (Single file HTML Archive)
- Improved Export to word and printer
- Open/Import PocketOutliner files
- Open/Import Streamliner files
- Print directly from Smore Desktop
- Windows 98/ME support
- New icon adds more chocolate
For the latest news and future enhancements