StudyBuilder Enterprise Edition is for groups of study designers who wish to work on the same study simultaneously, build custom question and/or study libraries or integrate data collection tools into existing systems. The software runs on computers running Microsoft Windows 95 /98 /2000 /2003 /ME /NT /TabletPC /XP
SuperOptimizeSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, SmartphoneVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 4 Jul 11 Tags: Programming & Development
SuperOptimize is a package to shrink, obfuscate and optimize your Java code for SuperWaba. The resulting files will be smaller, obfuscated, and heavily optimized
tGetFile.dll-Microsoft has provided a restricted File Dialog for Pocket PCs and Palm-size PCs. The dialog can open files only under the "My Documents".
tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile.dll installed, Tillanosoft PocketNotepad or such programs that support tGetFile
The Mortifier - This application will bridge the gap between you and coding Mortscript on your phone.
Quick access to prior scripts:
· Keeps a library of your prior script edits. Script Modes: Spy run, Select script, Directory search
The Yard - The Yard is designed for anyone interested in learning how realistic game effects actually work. If you are writing a a game or simulation for the Windows Mobile OS and unsure about how to add realistic physics, collision detection, collision reactions and a host of other features to your games, The Yard will save you an incredible amount of time and energy
The Yard (Complete Source Code and Documentation) - The Yard 1.0 (Wtih Complete Source Code and Professional Documentation (.pdf format)) - SAVE $$$
For Windows Mobile 5.0-6.1 Devices
by Pakii Software The most comprehensive learning software available for building games
on a windows mobile device
The Yard (Complete Source Code and Documentation) - For Windows Mobile 5.0-6.1 Devices
by Pakii Software
Think "Pick - A - Part" for software developers, educators, students
and the curious minded.
The Yard is designed for anyone interested
in learning how realistic game effects actually
Tree4U Treeview Class for AppForge Developers (PocketPC) - A Tree4U is a Visual Basic 6 code module class that implements the well-known Treeview control. It is used with an AppForge AFOwnerGrid control, and in the development environment of AppForge MobileVB, and along with Visual Basic 6
To whom it is addressed
VJBrisk - VJBrisk is a small .exe file that can be used to replace another .exe.
eg, If you want to change your (for example) Inbox.exe application and make it launch a third party email application, but the Inbox.exe is somehow hardcoded into a skin or application, then rename VJBrisk.exe to Inbox.exe, and replace the old Inbox.exe with the new one