AlarmClock is clock software developed by Mitsuru Toda.
This software is based on GSAlarmClock, created by Mr. Y.Nagamidori, with additional features.
"AlarmClock for Pocket PC":
Specification of the number of times of a repetition is possible.
Blink LED is possible at the time of alarm
NoteM-Make voice-notes on your Pocket PC with NoteM.
Voice Notes Recorder with MP3 encoding (NoteM) was implemented as an alternative to build-in Notes application�s voice recording feature. It gives you approximately 5.5 compression rate (for Low bitrate option) as compared to Notes default recording mode (8-bit 11
ITO.Calendars - fast, efficient program to convert Persian, Hijri and Gregorian Calendars to each other and vise versa on your Pocket PC device? A program that can show you Prayer times?A program that can show you Prayer times? Something that is easy to use, customizable, and doesn't take up much storage space on your device? Then you should try out ITO.Calendars v2
Keep Workin' - an easy-to-use, mobile time tracking utility. Yet simple, it serves as electronic time sheet and automates employee time collection.
The utility records the time of arrival and departure of the employee. The "Statistics" function summarizes hours worked on a daily basis.
Simply transfer the
TodayAgenda - a Today plugin similar to tAgenda and the commercial PocketBreeze. It allows you to show your tasks and appointments on your Today page.
Tested on an Asus a730W I did not notice any bug even in Landscape mode, and I got rid of both Calendar+ and TaskPlus on my machine