mondoscalzo - Mondo Scalzo è un fumetto ideato, sceneggiato e disegnato da Roberto Cavone in cui si racconta la storia di un Eritreo rimpatriato forzatamente dalle autorità Libiche.
Il progetto è orgogliosamente presentato dalla fucina di idee garbaTell
Ave!Comics has some features that make it different from other comic book apps and website. Over 1200 titles available... and counting 60 international publishers.
AveComics has several reading modes: page mode (like all other readers) and ANIMATED mode, automatic mode or manual.
AveComics is the only comic book reader that lets you share ANIMATED previews on facebook
Jesse James Comics book - A Golden Age Comic featuring America’s Most Famous Outlaw!
Inside this issue...
The San Antonio Stage Robbery
Other Exciting Stories of America’s #1 Outlaw
Jesse James Comic #1 is designed to work great on phones and tablets.
View the entire page or zoom in for easier reading
Mango is a free manga (Japanese comics) reader app for smartphones. Mango lets you read any title from the huge library of translated manga available over at or right through your phone's WiFi or 3G internet connection. Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Vampire Knight, D
Daily Comics for Android - Daily Comics is an online comic viewer for Android phones and tablets. With it you can enjoy high quality comics and cartoons from around the world wherever you are. You can view today's comics or older comics with a history up to 1 year back, so there is always something for you to read
All cartoons are in my hands~~! Best Comic Viewer application~ Comic Viewer! All cartoons are in my hands~~! It's the viwer which can see cartoons made of images and ZIP files
Rage Comics for Android - lets you conveniently read your favorite comics on your Android phone or tablet. The app uses advanced computer vision techniques to identify each panel in the comic, and shows them separately, one at a time. In addition, Rage Comics allows you to read all the hottest comics available on Reddit