StopWatch & Timer - The leading StopWatch and Timer on Android. Clean, simple and reliable.
The popular free "StopWatch & Timer" app on Android. Clean, simple and reliable.
Perfect for every timing situation (sports, games, work and of course cooking).
See app menu for options
Tomdroid is a Tomboy compatible wiki note-taking application for Android-powered phones. Right now it is a Tomboy note viewer but soon it should be considered a full Tomboy client for Android.
· Show the list of all notes in the tomdroid/ directory on the sdcard
· View individual Tomboy notes. All formatting tags should be supported
Watch your phone's apps, don't kill them. Stop killing your apps randomly. Start monitoring them with Watchdog. NOTE: There is an Android issue where Watchdog might crash upon launching after an upgrade
TimeSticker - TimeSticker is an Android widget which provides the same functionality as sticky notes. Simply choose one out of the three available sizes, write a short message and place the widget on your home screen.
You can also assign an alarm to each sticker and, when the time comes, the app will play a sound, display a message and show a smashed paper
Interval Training Timer is an invaluable tool for all interested in workout, run, cycling, sprint, weightlifting, tabata, hiit, cardio and many more. Set own training schedule with number of rounds, ready, round, rest and relax times. Import, Export, Download and Upload your training plans!
What's New in This Release:
· Translation to Dutch thanks to Milan
Animated Rolling Clock LITE - This is the LITE version of the beautiful "Animated Rolling Clock Widget".Its size is 3x1 on your homescreen with AM/PM and activated 12h mode. It rolls the time with cool effects.If you want 4 more widgets (clock + date) and touch-actions, install the FULL Version - just search in the market by viewing our other apps
Keep your scuba dive log with you on your phone, with maps for location lookups. An electronic Scuba Dive Log book for Android. Record your dives and diving licenses, view sites on a map, and dive statistics. Buy the Dive Log Key to unlock the full functionality and support development
Memoires: The Diary - memoires: the ultimate way to keep your memories on the go
Private, password protected and encrypted diary / journal.
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