Route your international phone calls via your calling card/phone card. Just store details of your calling card such as PIN number, local access number once. Integrates seamlessly with dialer, contacts
CCApp - If you make international calls frequently chances are that you might be already familiar with Calling cards. Using these calling cards you can make international calls at cheap rate
Cell Phone Coverage Map - Test your mobile service for yourself and compare results to other carriers using RootMetrics. Coverage information in the market today is incomplete and gathered infrequently - often no more than once a year - resulting in soft advertising claims of network reliability. RootMetrics is different
Cell Towers beta - A simple cell tower toolkit. You can read some info about the antenna is serving your smartphone. You can even locate the tower on a map
CellMapper is an Android application which is used to help map the extent of cell phone towers coverage. The program records the location, using built-in GPS, and the cell phone tower signal and information at that location
Cheap Calls by Phoneplus - Call in your Country and all over the World at incredible rates from 0,006€/min!
*** Download now, your first calls are FREE ! ***
* Maria G
Clean Phone Gold - Aha! Seems that you don't want to miss anything while you dial someone. Or perhaps you just want to avoid obstacles on your way.
This software is perfect for you, this app will let you dial as your regular phone and in addition it will let you see the camera view on the background of the dialer.
Make sure you see the preview images