Smart Algebra 2.8 builds graphs of any complexity in the polar and Cartesian coordinate systems, quickly draws the image on the screen, allows the analysis function (search for extrema in the interval, minimums and maximums), to determine the value of a function at a point to keep the schedule in bmp-format. The program provides several modes of increase for the most comfortable work.
* FullScreen
* Works on all resolutions correctly (starting with 240 * 176 800 * 480)
* Construction time up to nine plots (each graph, you can choose the color).
* Trace - tracking feature lets you move the pointer on the schedule and read the value of the function.
* Box - Draw a box around the desired area, then this area will be increased (Move the viewing area, trace the area to increase the possible finger / stylus / joystick)
* Automatic rescaling
* Pre - Previous set of scale (to change).
* Out / In the change of scale in accordance with the coefficients given in the Factor.
* QUICK - a rapid change of scale (a few defined scope).
* Calculator - a simple calculator.
* Picture - lifting screenshot of the screen (to save images in the folder My Documents).
* Support for graphing in polar coordinates.
* Plotting given in parametric form. (To do this in the box you must enter the two functions separated by semicolons).
* Supported functions: sin, cos, tg, ln, log, sh, ch, th, exp, acos, asin, atg, int, frac, abs.
* Built-in Help
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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