Router Keygen generate default WPA/WEP keys for the following router (with no ads!):
1. Thomson based routers (this includes Thomson, SpeedTouch, Orange, Infinitum, BBox, DMax, BigPond, O2Wireless, Otenet, Cyta , TN_private)
2. DLink (only some models)
3. Pirelli Discus
4. Eircom
5. Verizon FiOS (only some routers supported)
6. Alice AGPF
7. FASTWEB Pirelli and Telsey
8. Huawei (some Infinitum)
9. Wlan_XXXX or Jazztel_XXXX
10. Wlan_XX (only some are supported)
11. Ono (P1XXXXXX0000X)
12. WlanXXXXXX, YacomXXXXXX and WifiXXXXXX
13. Sky V1 routers
14. v1 and v2
15. InfostradaWifi
To calculate the Thomson keys, a dictionary file is required. The dictionary is only a 28Mb single file, which is smaller and more efficient than anything else available on the market. This file should be downloaded by default to your SD card, though you can select the folder where the file is on the preferences menu. Alternatively we can use your Internet connection instead of the dictionary. This option can be activated in the settings menu. It also can calculate natively the key although it will take about 2 minutes in less powerful phones and about 10 seconds on a Samsung Galaxy S. This tool also detects the new 2010 Thomson routers for which keys cannot yet be generated.
What's New in This Release:
· Added more possible Huawei routers (better support in Mexico)
· Bug fixes
What's New in 3.5.0:
· Added new OTE variations for Huawei routers and others
· Added new color (yellow) that means possible support
· Improved start up times and memory consumption
What's New in 3.3.0:
· Added support for wifimedia_R-XXXX
· Improved speed of native Thomson calculation by using all cores available
· Small Bug fixes
What's New in 3.2.0:
· Added support for TeleTu/Tele2
· Added support for Maxcom and Ptv
· Fixed Alice support which was completely broken
· Fixed Cabovisao support
· More small bugfixes.
What's New in 3.0.5:
· Bug fixes
What's New in 3.0.3:
· Fixed very silly bug that made the app non functional on Android 2.x
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Supported operating systems:
Google Android 1.0, Google Android 1.5, Google Android 1.6, Google Android 10.x, Google Android 2.0, Google Android 2.1, Google Android 2.2, Google Android 2.3, Google Android 3.0, Google Android 3.1, Google Android 3.2, Google Android 4.0, Google Android 4.1, Google Android 4.2, Google Android 4.3, Google Android 4.4, Google Android 5.x, Google Android 6.x, Google Android 7.x, Google Android 8.x, Google Android 9.x
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Comments on Router Keygen:
mtu bom
Date: 8 Nov 12
nice thing
Date: 5 Aug 14
If you noted an error or download link is broken, please, report it via this page or use comments.
Router Keygen is compatible with your device HTC U12+ TD-LTE NA 64GB (HTC Imagine)