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Best Data Storage & Encryption Software for HTC Touch P3450 (Elf 100)
Pocket Mechanic Pro FileBarricader 2007 Mobile
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New Data Storage & Encryption Software for HTC Touch P3450 (Elf 100)
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Aloaha Mobile Security for SMSAloaha Mobile Security for SMS Pocket PC, Smartphone Version: 5.0.234 updated
Upload date: 9 Feb 13
Tags: Internet & Communications, System Utilities
Aloaha SecureSMS - Much has been said about email security but hardly anything about SMS security. Considering the amount of sensitive SMS sent on a daily base that is pretty surprising. As the recent stories with manipulated Nokia 1100 (just Google it) have shown it is very possible to intercept SMS from other users
EncryptLauncherEncryptLauncher Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: System Utilities
EncryptLauncher - EncryptLauncher is a file encryption utility for Windows Mobile. It allows you to encrypt files using a RC2 40-bit cipher. When you decrypt a file, the program will launch the file in the associated application. To use the app, select the desired file and choose a password
EncryptCameraEncryptCamera Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: System Utilities
EncryptCamera - EncryptCamera allows you to encrypt photos taken with your camera. The pictures are encoded in real-time using a RC2 40-bit cipher. To use the app, press the 'New' button to start your camera. After you take a picture, choose a password and the captured JPEG image will be encrypted
EncryptFoldererEncryptFolderer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 12
Tags: System Utilities
EncryptFolderer - EncryptFolderer is a batch file encryption utility for Windows Mobile. It allows you to encrypt all files in a folder using a RC2 40-bit cipher. To use the app, select the desired folder, choose a password and press the button. The program will then create encrypted files with the ENC extension in the same folder
EncryptFilerEncryptFiler Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 12
Tags: System Utilities
EncryptFiler - EncryptFiler is a file encryption utility for Windows Mobile. It allows you to encrypt a file using a RC2 40-bit cipher. To use the app, select the desired file, choose a password and press the button. The program will then create an encrypted file with the ENC extension in the same folder. You can also decrypt the file by providing the correct passkey
LEDMorserLEDMorser Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 7 May 12
Tags: System Utilities
LEDMorser is a finger friendly Morse code sender that uses the camera LED light to send the flashes. The app has a reference of the Morse codes with a built-in finger friendly Morse input pad. It works on Samsung Omnia Lite, Omnia Pro, Armani, Omnia II, SCH i920, Omnia II, T-Omnia II, Jack, Intrepid and Oz Omnia
InfoBoostInfoBoost Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 19 Jan 12
Tags: System Utilities
InfoBoost - If you need someone safe and secure place to store your private information, this is the program for you. The InfoBoost works on all today's Windows based mobile handheld devices (Pocket PC and Windows Mobile), and so you can access this information no matter where you are
ANG DataProtect for Windows MobileANG DataProtect for Windows Mobile Pocket PC Version:
Upload date: 19 Dec 11
Tags: System Utilities
ANG DataProtect for Windows Mobile - ANG DataProtect is powerful but yet easy to use encryption software for Windows Mobile powered devices. It protects your confidential data with enterprise level strong AES 256-bit/SHA 512-bit encryption
BankingPINsBankingPINs Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 11 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
BankingPINs - This program allows you to store 10 Banking PIN codes. Enter your password to display the codes for your banking. NOTE: The passwords are not encrypted. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PrinterMorsePrinterMorse Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 10 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
PrinterMorse - This program makes a mini printable morse code chart table. You can send the chart via email, IRDA or print it. Tap the button to create the table. NOTE: Use Courier font to view/print the chart. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
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Random Application for
HTC Touch P3450 (Elf 100)

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1Aloaha Mobile Security for SMS
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7FileBarricader 2007 Mobile
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10F-Secure Anti-Theft for Mobile (Windows Mobile)
11Aloaha SecureSMS
13SMS Filter
14Best Crypto Pocket PC
16Lock Files
17Nyx Password Storage
18PIN Manager
19LockCrypt Mobile (Windows Mobile)
21SKTools (Supports WM5/WM6)
24Crypto Wallet
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