Pocket Launcher 3.2 organizes applications into tabbed categories and seamlessly integrates with your Pocket PC or Smartphone, providing an enhanced, customizable user interface. Additionally, launch your documents and manage running tasks!
Pocket Launcher integrates a collection of large, icon-based lists of applications that are installed on a device. Icons represent their respective applications, and when tapped once, the application is launched. The list of icon shortcuts and categories is initially taken from your current layout of the Programs screen, and then copied to another place so that Pocket Launcher can use the shortcut.
Pocket Launcher also links a tab to the My Documents folder, providing quick access to your documents from within the program. You can navigate into sub-folders and add tabs that link to any other folder on the device.
Key Features:
Windows Mobile 6 Standard and Professional support
Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC and Smartphone support
Use your Today screen as a tab
Customizable backgrounds, colors and shadows
Link to 'My Documents' to launch files!
Start Menu / Programs Menu integration
Auto-updates from Start menu
Customizable tabs
Scroll wheel support
Use Keyboard to quickly search for applications
0-9 button launcher on Smartphone
Integrated task manager
Multi-Panel views
Various icon sizes
Draggable tabs and icons
VGA and landscape support
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
Similar Software:
LnkMgr LnkMgr is a link creator and editor for the Pocket PC. It allows a user to effortlessly create and categorize links in the Start Menu folder.
< p > is the Programs folder located in StartMenu
If nothing is specified it will go into the StartMenu
To Create a Link: Simply change the category in the category dropdown to another category
ProcessAlerting ProcessAlerting - ProcessAlerting is a task manager for Windows Mobile.
The app allows you to create a list of processes.
When a process on the list is started, the program will alert you and highlight the process
Pop-up Task Manager Pop-up Task Manager - Benefits
A full-featured task manager, always available immediately! Run, switch, and end tasks without the need to actually run a task manager. Equipped with several handy commands performed by the icons located at the top.
» Customize
Once installed, you may adjust the Menu to your needs
ShortcutDeleter ShortcutDeleter - ShortcutDeleter is a quick way to delete entries from the Windows start menu.
Simply run the app and tap on a LNK file. The program will ask you for confirmation, and if you choose 'yes' it will remove it. The file that the LNK file points to will not be deleted.
Please note that this application is intended for advanced users
DotFred Start Menu DotFred Start Menu - The Start Menu is a replacement for the standard menu found on Windows Mobile Pocket PCs. The main difference is that it has been made as a service and so does not need to be launched on startup, it is done automatically, and it is not an extra exe, but a dll loaded by services
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To use the app, select the desired file with the built-in file browser and select 'New Shortcut File' from the toolbar.
The program will then create a link to the file and copy the link to the Windows start menu
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When you create a new button shortcut, the app places it on the current page. Tapping on a button will open the URL with the built-in web browser.
You can also assign local files to the buttons
Other Software by developer «Conduits Technologies, Inc.»:
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Pocket Launcher Pocket Launcher 3.2 organizes applications into tabbed categories and seamlessly integrates with your Pocket PC or Smartphone, providing an enhanced, customizable user interface
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