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Achivx Partner

Version: 1.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Multimedia & Graphics

Upload date: 7 Jul 11

Developer: Vincent Collura

License: Freeware

Downloads: 39

File Size: 17 Kb
Download Free RadioStreamguide 

Rating: 1.0/5 (Total votes: 1)

  RadioStreamguide - RadioStreamguide allows you to select a music genre and syncs the list of radio stations from the website. Tap on the feed to tune it in. Visit for full listings.

This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer.
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Requirements: BeanDLL Runtime File, eMbedded Visual Basic (eVB) Runtime

Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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Other Software by developer «Vincent Collura»:

SkateWalls - The object of this game is to skate off the walls and catch the blocks with your hands. You get 10 points for each one you catch and 100 bonus and next round for all five. Free man every five rounds. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
ContactsCSV - ContactsCSV reads your Pocket Outlook contact list database and creates a CSV report of the contacts with the fields Name (First Last), Email as well as Home, Work and Mobile phone numbers. Tap the button to create the CSV. You can also preview the CSV file in Pocket Word
Emails - Emails lets you list and store email addresses from your friends or colleagues. Emails requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
PatientSleep - This program can be used to track the total time you sleep each day of the year. Tap on the day and enter the total time slept for the period. You can also graph the hours you sleep. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
MusicElvises - This program database of 748 Elvis songs. Start typing the song name to show a list of songs. Tap on the song to view the song info box. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PatientFinger - This program can be used to test/build a patients hand/eye coordination. Start the program and have the patient use a finger to move the sights over the button. The program keeps track of the patients score. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PillCalendar - This program can be used when you have a medication that you are to take once a day. Tap the day number to verify that you took your medication. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
AnswerBooks - This program allows you to compose 'books' of answers. When you want an answer then tap the 'Answer' button. The books are stored in a compact file format. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
MoviesDVD2 - This program is a genre guide to 27,711 published DVD movies. Select the genre to display a list of DVD's for that genre. This was compiled from This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
InternetPort - This is a quick search of a database of 709 Internet service ports. Enter the port number to display the service for that port. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer

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RadioStreamguide is compatible with your device HTC Touch P3450 (Elf 100)
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