phoneME is an implementation of the phoneME open source Java ME application platform for Windows Mobile devices.
phoneME Feature targets the low-end range of Windows Mobile devices and allows you to run CLDC and MIDP based applications, i.e. midlets.
CLDC builds more or less out of the box once you have correctly set up your build environment. The MIDP stack compiles too if you do not use the Javacall porting layer, but the PCSL and MIDP sources requires a bit more patching in order to build and run midlets. Currently, many optional JSRs have not been ported to the WinCE platform and are hence unsupported.
Default, native DPI and high resolution MIDP stacks
If you are using a device with a VGA resolution (or any other non-96 DPI display) the default builds will do a 96 DPI emulation out of the box. The emulation rescales all fonts and graphics as if your device would have a QVGA resolution. However, the 96 DPI emulation may cause blurry texts on 128 and 131 DPI devices because these dot densities are no multiples of 96 DPI. That is why there are a few alternatives which use the native dot density:
Native DPI: the native dpi build uses the native resolution of the device. This means the higher the DPI of the screen is, the smaller the fonts become. For a 192 DPI device, the fonts and graphics would appear as half the size when emulating 96 DPI. High Resolution: the high resolution build has all the built-in graphics and fonts resized to twice their original size. This build is recommended if you want to have a crisp text on a high DPI device.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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IMPORTANT THINGS about the versions:
v1.4 - without sound
v1.2 - with louder sound
v1.3 - with silent sound
What's New in This Release:
· faster animation for faster rom (example: WM6.5
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Other Software by developer «Davy Preuveneers»:
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