TwitterArchiverer - TwitterArchiverer allows you to enter a Twitter user name and downloads the last 32,000 tweets posted by user. You can view the Tweets in a chronological database and also export the Tweets to Text or CSV file format. This service is provided by Twitter
TwitterFingerers - TwitterFingerers allows you to assign finger friendly buttons to Twitter accounts. Select 'Add' from the toolbar and enter the user name or the name and user name (if just a user name then it will display the user name). When you want to view the Tweets tap the button to view. This service is provided by Twitter
ServiceTwitterdings - ServiceTwitterdings is a service call publisher program that places your calls on Twitter and also deletes the call from Twitter (deletes tweet) when you remove a item from the database. You can make categories and for each category you can add calls. When you add a call the program will update your account