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Best Travel & Navigation Software for HTC S620 (Excalibur)(Dash)
amAze (Samsung) Gismeteo Windows Mobile Smartphone
TrekBuddy VITO ActiveTrace
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Freeware Travel & Navigation Software for HTC S620 (Excalibur)(Dash)
Total Software: 322
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GPSed SmartphoneGPSed Smartphone Smartphone Version:
Upload date: 12 Mar 09
Tags: Travel & Navigation
Record GPS tracks from your mobile and trace them on a map. Record tracks of your trips anywhere on the Earth from your mobile device. Tracks are traced on Google Maps and stored in an online archive. All you need to start tracking is a mobile device with the internal or external GPS receiver
VirtualGPS Lite SmartphoneVirtualGPS Lite Smartphone Smartphone Version: 1.5
Upload date: 20 Aug 09
Tags: System Utilities, Travel & Navigation
VirtualGPS is a free, small utility, which fully emulates GPS module and returns your location (by using cellular towers). Accuracy of coordinates is about 200m in urban area and up to 5km in countryside. Screenshots are explaining how to use VirtualGPS with navigation software (e.g. "Google Maps")
NoniGPSPlotNoniGPSPlot Pocket PC, Smartphone Version: 3.0.2 updated
Upload date: 26 Aug 10
Tags: Travel & Navigation
NoniGPSPlot allows you to locate your position in relation to other GPS points and to see the journey you have made. It may be used to find your starting place in a port after sailing, or the place where you start a walking or biking excursion, or even your car in a parking. Any place long as you know its GPS coordinates. It stores the whole journey too
MologogoMologogo Smartphone Version:
Upload date: 6 Apr 09
Tags: Travel & Navigation
Mologogo is a free service that will track you and your friends using GPS-enabled Windows Mobile phones
LocifyLocify Pocket PC, BlackBerry, Smartphone, Java Version: 1.5.13 updated
Upload date: 7 Feb 11
Tags: Travel & Navigation
With Locify you can explore interesting places near you from Wikipedia, seek for geocaches, display map where you are (or you want to go), twitter your location, save interesting places from phone or web sync them and even navigate to them... and much more. Locify is free application for common mobile phone
SportyPalSportyPal Pocket PC, Smartphone Version: 1.2.7 updated
Upload date: 16 Sep 10
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine, Travel & Navigation
SportyPal is an easy to use intuitive application for your mobile device. You activate it when you start your running, cycling, walking, rollerblading or similar exercise. In two simple clicks it will start to log and map your position, movement, distance, tempo and calories burned
WorldMateWorldMate Smartphone Version: 2.0
Upload date: 3 Jun 09
Tags: Finance, Travel & Navigation
WorldMate travel software for Windows Mobile provides you with critical travel information when you need it the most. Get WorldMate for Windows Mobile free of charge
RaceChronoRaceChrono Pocket PC, Smartphone Version: 1.40 updated
Upload date: 7 Feb 11
Tags: Healthcare & Medicine, Travel & Navigation
RaceChrono is a GPS based lap timing software for Windows Mobile. It can be used to measure lap times on almost any vehicle and track. It can be used to measure laptimes for example for motorbikes, bicycles, cars, water jets and quadbikes. What's New in This Release: · Much better looking user interface. · Better and simplified touchscreen usage
MobileTravelerMobileTraveler Pocket PC, Smartphone Version: 2.5.3817.33583 updated
Upload date: 30 Jul 10
Tags: Travel & Navigation
Mobile Traveler enables you when you are traveling abroad (e.g. Japan) to find your way around there. It uses Google to find routes and enables pre-fetching parts of Google maps at home or any where you have WiFi or cheap data rates of your mobile telephone provider. Besides this it is especially useful when you are visiting Japan
RaceChronoRaceChrono Smartphone Version: 1.3
Upload date: 12 Jul 09
Tags: Travel & Navigation
RaceChrono is a data logging software for all kinds of sports. It runs on S60 and Windows Mobile smart phones and uses position data from your GPS receiver to determine lap times and performance. RaceChrono is developed by a team of Finnish sports enthusiasts who have made their careers in the IT-business. RaceChrono is currently a hobby project for it's authors
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HTC S620 (Excalibur)(Dash)

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