World Almanac - Business & Science -Bundle - Whether you are an educator, student, scholar or just need immediate access to important facts about business and science, you will find this database fast, comprehensive and extremely valuable. Loaded with dates, events, statistics, facts, analysis, and footnotes. The Bundle contains:
Economy & Business, including Economics, Agriculture, Employment, Labor Union Directory, Taxes, Crime, Energy, Environment, Meteorology, Disasters, Aerospace, and Trade & Transportation
Science & Technology, including Science News, Science Glossaries, Chemical Elements, Discoveries, Inventions & Patents, Sound & Light, Weights & Measures, Numbers, Astronomy, Calendar, Computers & The Internet, Telecommunications, and Postal Information
Buildings & Bridges, including Buildings, Bridges, Tunnels, and Dams
Consumer Information, including Business Directory, and Consumer Products
Key Features include:
Full-color Cover Page
1,944 entries & 14 graphics
Interactive Quizzes
Storage Card Compatibility
Keyword Search - allows for multiple entry searches
Adjustable font sizes and styles
ClearType (Pocket PC & Smartphone only) - uses Microsoft''s® ClearType® technology for easier reading
Footnotes - tap on a Footnote to see related information without leaving the entry you are viewing
The 2005 World Almanac - Business & Science Bundle is a great resource for students, scholars, teachers, and the curious. Put authority in your pocket!
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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