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MSPhrase Oxford French-Italian Phrasebank (Smph)

MSPhrase Oxford French-Italian Phrasebank (Smph)
Version: 3.00.33

Platforms: Smartphone

Categories: Dictionary & Translator

Upload date: 7 Nov 10

Developer: Mobile Systems

License: Shareware

Price: 6.99 $

Downloads: 18

File Size: 2520 Kb

Download Free Trial of MSPhrase Oxford French-Italian Phrasebank (Smph) 

Rating: 1.3/5 (Total votes: 3)


MSPhrase Oxford French-Italian Phrasebank - A complete Oxford phrasebook with over 3,000 current "survival" expressions in French and Italian to help travellers and make their trips more comfortable and enjoyable. With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation.

This French - Italian - French phrasebook is based on the Oxford Phrasebank, specially designed for travel reference. The phrasebook features translations of core vocabulary from French into Italian and from Italian to French , and consist of a Phrasebank in both languages and a French - Italian - French Wordbank of core terms.


  • Coverage of 3,000 base phrases (per language), 5,000 expanded phrases (excluding templates) and 20,000 expanded phrases (including templates)
  • Compressed format reducing storage space for phrase variants
  • 9 topics/15 subtopics
  • Extension of selected phrases using 12 template lists
  • Topics - Diversions, Eating Out, Entertainment, Hotel, Money, Problems, Tourist, Transport, Miscellaneous
  • Templates - Body Parts, Cardinal Numbers, Clock Time, Colours, Currencies, Dates, Days of Week, Languages, Months, Nationalities, Ordinal Numbers, Places



  • Coverage of 17,500 core terms
  • All translations in the Wordbank are provided along with appropriate part of speech and gender information

Other Mobile Phrasebooks Based on the Oxford Phrasebank

The MSPhrase Oxford Multilingual Phrasebank French - Italian - French is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

  • 9 languages covered (including regional variants)
  • UK English, US English, French, German, Italian, European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese
  • Mobile phrasebooks available for each of the language parings of the languages above
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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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