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SlovoEd Compact French-Russian & Russian-French dictionary for Windows Mobile Smartphone

SlovoEd Compact French-Russian & Russian-French dictionary for Windows Mobile  Smartphone
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Smartphone

Categories: Dictionary & Translator

Upload date: 6 Feb 09

Developer: Paragon Software Group (SHDD)

License: Shareware

Price: 24.95 $

Downloads: 352

File Size: 4584 Kb

Download Free Trial of SlovoEd Compact French-Russian & Russian-French dictionary for Windows Mobile  Smartphone 

Rating: 1.3/5 (Total votes: 7)


SlovoEd French-Russian and Russian-French dictionary is one of best-selling bilingual Windows Mobile dictionary series containing the high-quality dictionary databases from the world's leading linguistic companies. SlovoEd dictionaries bring together the most comprehensive lexical databases with the rich-functional engine. It makes SlovoEd definitely superior translation and reference solution for Windows Mobile devices.

New version of SlovoEd dictionary for Windows Mobile is specially optimized for fingertip control. Improved and intuitive finger-friendly interface lets you browse the dictionary with the touch of a finger. Forget about the stylus and tiny scrollbars and use SlovoEd dictionary with only your finger-tips! (Available only for phones with touch screens).

SlovoEd dictionary for Windows Mobile

Improve your language skills with SlovoEd dictionary:

  • NEW! Browse the dictionary with the touch of a finger! Improved and intuitive touch oriented dictionary interface lets you use SlovoEd dictionary with only your finger-tips (available only for phones with touch screens).
  • Check correct word pronunciation with additional Sound Modules, containing pre-recorded voice of English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish native speakers. NEW! Increased number of pronunciations and Russian Sound Module!
  • Read books, documents and web-pages just from your PDA and quickly translate unknown words without leaving your active application by using the Resident Module. Now you do not need to waste time on launching SlovoEd application!
  • Find the translation of the word in any grammatical form with help of built-in Morphology Module for English, French, Russian and Spanish languages. Word forms are also provided.
  • Enter the words on your native language easier using on-screen Virtual Keyboard for more than 25 languages (available only for phones with non-touch screens).
  • Study the language in the easiest and most effective way using SlovoEd dictionary. Check yourself with the words you have added to Flash Cards from the dictionary.
  • NEW! List of similar words in case of misspelling.
  • Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using wildcards ("*", "?" replace a letter and group of letters).
  • Keep your SlovoEd dictionary always up-to-date. New SlovoEd Online Update feature lets you know of updated dictionary versions available for download and you can also set up frequency of update check.
  • Discover new dictionaries and download it directly to your device with the built-in Online dictionary catalog.
  • Learn how to use SlovoEd dictionary with the help of colorful and animated Tutorial in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese Traditional and Simplified languages.

    Additional tools:

  • Irregular English and German verbs
  • Hyperlinks between different related articles and directions to check your comprehension
  • Quick dynamic search of words while you type
  • Search History to see the translation of last 30 words
  • Improved usability with faster interface on Windows Mobile devices
  • Supports multiple dictionaries installed at a time with rapid switch amongst them
  • Optional font size to set customer interface in accordance with your taste
  • NEW! Dictionary interface is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese Traditional and Simplified languages.
  • Dictionary installation on memory cards to save main memory-space for other programs and applications

    SlovoEd dictionary for Windows Mobile is available in three main editions:

    SlovoEd Deluxe includes the most full and detailed translation articles with usage samples, synonyms and antonyms, references and other important information. All SlovoEd Deluxe dictionaries contain Sound Modules with pre-recorded word pronunciations. It is an excellent solution for professional linguists, translators and advanced users.

    SlovoEd Classic includes a considerable number of translations, extended dictionary articles with basic references. Therefore it will become an irreplaceable comprehensive assistant for business, travel and study.

    SlovoEd Compact occupies minimal memory space on your device, includes the most common translations with clear, concise definitions. It can be applied during a trip abroad and when reading.

    Supported devices:

    Windows Mobile 6.5/6.1/6.0 Standard, Classic and Professional; Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC & Smartphone devices.


    The number of translations in SlovoEd demo-version is limited. The more often you use the dictionary the more notifications about demo version you get. To save you time we provided a new way of purchasing and registering SlovoEd dictionary for Windows Mobile. Now you do not need to search the product on the web, you can purchase SlovoEd just from your device. To do this, go to Menu->Registration->Buy.

    Note! Upgrading of SlovoEd dictionary for Windows Mobile to the version 7.2 is free only for users of version 7 and higher. For SlovoEd dictionary upgrade you should reinstall the dictionary and enter your registration code again.

    New SlovoEd 7.2 and the previous versions of the dictionary (SlovoEd 3.04, 2005 and 6.x) work independently. To use databases of your previously bought dictionaries for Windows Mobile with the new SlovoEd 7.2 engine you need to upgrade the program.

    Like it? Share with your friends!

    If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.

    Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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    SlovoEd Compact French-Russian & Russian-French dictionary for Windows Mobile Smartphone is compatible with your device HTC S620 (Excalibur)(Dash)
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