Great Day Shows fresh Quotes each day. Shows a maximum of 15 quotes at a time
Ulysses S Grant Quotes Get to know better one of America's presidents who served in office from 1869-1877!
Earthquake Facts Earthquakes are one of the most dangerous of all natural disasters. Learn what causes them and the science behind it all!
Fighters This is application help you to know kinds of air Fighters. just press touch me and get the information about air fighters
Mysterious Places Mysterious Places - Ever intrigued by mystery, the whole history and stories behind several mysterious places on earth? Well, this app is just for you. Mysterious Places throws light on 25 of the most famous mysterious places on the Earth. It also lists videos related to several mysterious places. It talks about the rumors and facts surrounding these places
North Carolina State North Carolina State - North Carolina State app features information about North Carolina State USA in the following 7 sections:
1. About North Carolina State
2. History
3. Geography
4. Climate
5. Sports
6. Government
Aforismi Aforismi - Aforismi e frasi celebri
7000+ Aforismi e frasi celebri di pubblico dominio raccolte da varie fonti.
L'applicazione tiene traccia delle gia lette e non le ripropone automaticamente.
Mantiene comunque un archivio di quelle gia lette e permette di marcare le preferite per ritrovarle facilmente o inviarle via email/sms
Ptaki Wisly Ptaki Wisly - Ptaki Wisly Warszawskiej
Zobacz kto spiewa w Warszawie i przylacz sie do grona milosnikow Wisly.
Aplikacja umozliwia zapoznanie sie z katalogiem ptakow, ktore mozna spotkac i uslyszec na kazdym nadwislanskim spacerze po Stolicy
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