ReliRescue ("Reli Search & Rescue") enables your Windows Mobile Phone to broadcast your location to designated partners (over SMS or email). Your location is obtained using Integrated or external (Bluetooth) GPS connected to your device.
This utility also enables any Windows Mobile platform to feed the broadcasted waypoints to track and locate the sender.
· Supports internal GPS or external Bluetooth GPS.
· Supports Smartphone versions of Windows Mobile
· Supports location broadcast over your Phone's SMS (Short Message Service).
· Status display: Speed, Alt, Destination to WP, Time to WP, SMS status and more...
· Supports recording a compressed track log
Data features:
· Connecting to the Internet through GPRS/UMTS/WiFi/USB
· Sending compressed track log to an email receiver.
· Translation of track log to Google KML (screen shot, sample KMZ file) and FAI IGC formats by server side (which sends email)
SMS Broadcast features:
· Supports broadcast to multiple phone numbers
· Supports periodic interval broadcasts (5, 10, 30 ... minutes)
· Supports reducing the amount of sent SMS messages by sending them only if you are on the move.
· Supports automatic detection of "landing/crash" situation and sends a message.
· Records a log of sent messages, so you'd know how many messages were sent and get their status.
· Power saving option to maximize battery life
· Fault tolerance: Cell tower detection and retry operation
· Night display, for seekers driving by night
· Automatic Broadcast notification on Low battery - useful to find your phone if lost...
· Responds query SMS with pass code (ex. "R$0000")
· This Utility is provided for free, however contains a time expiration mechanism so you'd come again to get a newer version.
What's New in This Release:
· Adding support for 512 pixel tiles
· Adding advanced options for Map view
· Fixing issue that prevented displaying some map tiles.
· Experimental feature to send email via your mobile account
What's New in
·added support for COM0
· fixed an error display regarding ReliPower.exe
· changing map source to google static maps (map source of former versions is unsupported)
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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