Görev Yöneticisi - Bu uygulamayı kullanarak telefonunuzun performansını arttırabilirsiniz.
Görev Yöneticisi uygulaması ile, telefonunuzun arka planında çalışan uygulamaları yönetebilir ve sonlandırabilirsiniz. Bu sayede telefonunuzun performansını arttırabilirsiniz
glInfo - Small developer utility that lists a device's OpenGL ES version information, supported extensions and display configurations.
The report can be copied and pasted or sent via email from the menu, to help diagnose performance issues or provide OpenGL details about your device
Greenify - is a useful utility thanks to which you can automatically disable unused processes in background mode in order to prolongue the work of your Android device. A user can also schedule start of certain applications according to time or event
Hexamob Recovery Lite Undelete - ROOT REQUIRED. RECOVER DELETED FILES YOU HAVE LOST ACCIDENTALLY! YOU MUST BE SUPERUSER (ROOT) ON YOUR PHONE! (Only superuser can access to data blocks). HOW TO BE ROOT(superuser) IN YOUR ANDROID DEVICE? Visit: http://hexamob.com/android-phone-or-tablet/ or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hexamob
Housekeep Files Ad - For some people who want to do simple housekeep of deleting un-wanted files in your sd-card mass volume based on files are how old, this app is to serve that need.
To configure, set the folder (at least one), file extension (optional), file time-stamp in terms of how many days,hours,minutes old at least
Internet Boost - Internet speed is determined by your ISP and can not change, but there are other factors to change, but there are many other factors that can affect. Whether your phone is rooted or not, or if you have a WiFi or mobile data (2g, 3g, 4g LTE) connection, the app performs a series of automated tasks in order to speed up internet and browser performance
Internet Booster - Internet booster undoubtedly saves you time, when you open an internet page. The Internet booster optimizes the data of your device’s traffic. It doesn’t matter if you use 2G, 3G, 4G, Wifi, Bluetooth or any other connection with good or poor signal