Percent Off calculates the sale price of discounted items using simple English. This app calculates the sales price of items using simple English Type in or Voice in to get the price Dont be surprise at the register again
Percentage Calculator - This is the ultimate percentage calculator app!
Use Percentage Calculator to quickly calculate:
1)Percent value & percentage
2)Decrease by X percent (discount or sale price)
3)Increase by X percent (markups or selling price)
4)Percentage change between two values
Percentage Calculator can also be used as a tip calculator
Quick Bill Splitter - Going out with friends shouldn't require a degree in mental math. When you're out with friends, don't let the check stop the conversation and end the fun. Let Quick Bill Splitter do all the work.
The best part of Quick Bill Splitter is that it is super easy to use
QuickTip Tip Calculator - A simple tip calculator that allows you to specify the total bill and the percent you wish to tip.
- Added support for android 1.5
- Added ability to split bill
- Added numeric keypad
RealCalc Financial Calculator - The Great useful calculator here.
Our application supports Multiple Calculators
-> Simple Interest Calculator
-> Compound Interest Calculator
-> Regular Calculator
-> Mileage Calculator
-> EMI Calculator
-> Tip Calculator
-> Localization is also Available for all calculations
RED TipperAndroidVersion: 0.5.1 Upload date: 19 Oct 11 Tags: Finance
RED Tipper can help you quickly calculate tip at a restaurant, or even help you split a bill among friends. Simple, easy, and quick.This current version is beta. We appreciate any feedback you can provide. Email us at the support email listed on this page
RT Rate Loan Calculator - The Real Time Loan Calculator offers a lot of unique features which are not available from other mortgage calculators.
· Retrieve real time mortgage interest rates from available markets (currently support Canada and USA) through Internet connectivity. Compare and select a preferred rate for calculation from various loan suppliers