Electronic Music Radio - Electronic music is music that employs electronic musical instruments and electronic music technology in its production. Purely electronic sound production can be achieved using devices such as the Theremin, sound synthesizer, and computer
Christmas Music Radio Stations - Christmas music has come to represent a wide variety of musical genres - such music is typically composed and written to be played near Christmas holiday, sometimes 1-2 months before it and 1-2 months after it
Heavy Metal Radio Stations - Heavy metal, sometimes also referred to as metal, is considered a sub-genre of rock music which originated in Great Britain in the late 60s and later expanded to US as well
Folk Music Radio Stations - Folk music is a broad term which includes traditional music and is often used to define music with origins older than the 19th century. Traditional music has come to define "old" music, transmitted through word of mouth, with the composers being unknown and with people playing it casually and in custom versions over a wide period of time
Latin Music Radio Stations - Latin American Music includes musical styles and rhythms originating or otherwise related to Latin America - it is often defined as an incorporation of 4 elements: musical style, geographic location, cultural background and language
Soundtracks Music Radio - A soundtrack, otherwise known as film score, has lately come to define the music used in a movie, television show or even video game. Most often, this music is specifically written to accompany a film and is also included in the movie titles
Jazz Music Radio Stations - Jazz music is a very popular musical genre, originating around the beginning of the 20th century within the South-African communities of the Southern United States. The initial musical style incorporated cultural and musical elements from the various regions and thus gave out quite many distinctive jazz sub-genres
Goth Music Radio Stations - Goth or gothic rock is a musical genre originating from British punk rock and subsequent post-punk rock which became popular in the early 80's. The music incorporates heavy keyboard usage and dark, sometimes theatrical themes and is closely connected to a particular stylistic and life approach
Hip Hop-Rap Music Radio - A massive list of radio stations streaming to your Android device! All of them play rap, hip hop, urban and related music styles. Enjoy the music you love, no matter where you are, through a powerful radio application
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