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Best File management Software for HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena 400)
Resco Explorer 2008 Smart File Acceptor
rcmd Total Commander Pocket PC
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Top Rated File management Software for HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena 400)
Total Software: 125
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FileFilterFileFilter Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileFilter - This program allows you to set a file type eg. .txt files. Then you can browse your PocketPC and just the files that end with the suffix are displayed. You can also do a recursive report. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FileSyncFileSync Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileSync - This program allows you to select files on your PocketPC. Tap on the file to place it into the 'FileSync' folder. You can also make sure the files are the same when you are in the 'FileSync' folder. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FileArchiverFileArchiver Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileArchiver - This program allows you to explore the folders on your PocketPC. Select a file and the program will copy the file to the 'FileArchive' folder of your PocketPC. NOTE: This does not delete the file. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FileRecyclerFileRecycler Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Nov 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileRecycler - This program allows you to safely delete files on your PocketPC. Select a file and the program will move the file to the 'FileRecycler' with the folder location. You can restore the file from the recycle list. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FolderMatricesFolderMatrices Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FolderMatrices - This program allows you to quickly create and view folders on your PocketPC. The folder names are 'FolderMatrices + PageNumber + ButtonNumber. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FolderDatesFolderDates Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FolderDates - This program allows you to create 'date' folders in any location on your storage RAM or card. Select the folder and select 'create folders' from the toolbar to create folders. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FolderNumbersFolderNumbers Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FolderNumbers - This program allows you to pan your file folder tree and create folders with numbers. Select 'create folders' from the toolbar to create numbered folders. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FilesFiltererFilesFilterer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FilesFilterer - This program allows you to browse the folders on your PocketPC that have large amounts of files on it. Start typing the file name to display a list of files. Tap on the file to view the file in file explorer or associated application. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
FileFinderFileFinder Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileFinder - This program can be used to locate files on your PocketPC computer. Enter the search term and tap the 'search' button. NOTE: This program uses a recursive folder search (Storage Cards also). This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
FileLengthsFileLengths Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 28 Oct 11
Tags: System Utilities
FileLengths - This program allows you to select a folder on your PocketPC and 'reports' the files and file sizes for the folder. NOTE: This program also scans subdirectories. This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 « »
Random Application for
HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena 400)

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14SOTI Pocket Controller-Pro
18TreeSize Mobile
20SKTools (Supports WM5/WM6)
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23Resco Media Suite
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25Smartphone File Copy
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