iSiloXSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, BlackBerry, Win CE, Smartphone, AndroidVersion: 6.04 updated Upload date: 21 Sep 12 Tags: Reading
iSiloX converts content to the iSilo document format for reading with iSilo.
What's New in This Release:
Version 5.18 adds the following new features:
· Added support for generating registration codes keyed to the device ID.
· Added support for generating 18-character extended registration codes.
Version 5
eReader - software allows you to read your eBooks whenever you want and wherever you go. You can use eReader to add bookmarks, navigate your eBooks easily, and search for words in your eBook. eReader
Zune eBook CreatorSymbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, Sharp Zaurus, Linux, Tablet, SmartphoneVersion: Upload date: 11 Apr 09 Tags: Reading
Shareware 19.50 $
Zune eBook Creator allows you to "convert" text such way, that you receive suite graphic files like suite of scanned pages of book or magazine. It is often necessary when you want to read favorite book on MobilePC, which does not have ability to show text files, but only graphical i.e. Zune
iSilo displays formatted hyperlinked documents. Compression is 20% better than the Palm Doc format. Text formatting includes mixed size text, colored text, underlininig, italics, bold, subscript and superscript, fixed-width font, and more. Images can be compressed greyscale (1-bit/2-bit/4-bit) and color (8-bit/16-bit), large and scrollable, and intermixed with text
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