BsB RAM Sweeper Configuration Tool - Script to completely configure the 'BsB RAM Sweeper' application.
What does this do?
* Configure RAM Sweeper to autorun in specific 'user input' interval of time.
* Change notification status easily.
* Add new entries to RAMSweeper.txt file (EXC or RUN commands) selecting files from a tree list.
* Backup and Restore RAMSweeper.txt file. (Very useful if you change ROM constantly XD)
* If you add a new entry, it will check first to avoid duplicates entries.
* To preserve Battery, auto repeat will automatic turn it off, if you are on Battery power supply and you have less than 10% of battery.
* If auto repeat is running and you have a call, auto repeat automatically will wait to the next interval of time, so your call will not be interrupted. (not working yet, but the call isn't interrupt anyway)
* And much more… Try yourself
How it works?
* It's all based on mortscript, so basically, it's run a script and follow orders to do what you want to configure and personalize a lot of thing for RAM Sweeper.
* All is automatic through menus and user input windows.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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