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3GMobile SMS + Contacts Backup

3GMobile SMS + Contacts Backup
Version: 2.08

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Internet & Communications, Organisation & Productivity, System Utilities

Upload date: 8 Oct 10

Developer: gorun

License: Shareware

Price: 19.95 $

Downloads: 1882

File Size: 384 Kb

Download Free Trial of 3GMobile SMS + Contacts Backup 

Rating: 2.4/5 (Total votes: 10)

  3GMobile SMS+Contacts Backup is an app used to backup sms and contacts on windows mobile. You could use this software to backup your windows mobile contacts and sms as xml or txt file and tranfer to pc;Restore sms and contacts from pc to mobile phone;Manage sms & contacts on pc;View and Print your sms and contacts on pc;Easy edit and delete text messages and contacts on pc.Backup windows mobile sms and contacts, then save and manage them on pc, so you do not worry about your mobile is stolen or broken. Key Features: *Backup SMS Messages for windows mobile into txt file or .xml backup file and save onto your computer *Restore SMS Messages from a .xml backup file *Support all SMS default folders (Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Deleted Items) and custom folders *Export your outlook contacts into txt file or .xml backup file format and save onto your pc *Edit outlook contacts info on computer directly *Restore outlook contacts from the .xml backup file *Support unlimited outlook contacts and SMS backup/restore *Fast backup and restore speed *Fully Support Windows Mobile 5/6.0/6.1/6.5 *Easy to use
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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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3GMobile SMS + Contacts Backup is compatible with your device HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena 400)
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