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LingvoSoft German - Czech Dictionary 2008 LingvoSoft German - Czech Dictionary 2008 - A robust translating dictionary for Pocket PC that features advanced functionality and up to 1,000,000 entries.
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 is an instant bilingual translation solution for your handheld. It brings together the most complete databases and accuracy with superior processing ability
LingvoSoft German-Serbian FlashCards 2008 LingvoSoft German-Serbian FlashCards 2008 - Learn more while you play! The most effective and enjoyable way to build your vocabulary now includes more than 8000 words!
LingvoSoft FlashCards makes it is simpler to improve your vocabulary and learn thousands of new words
WCI Translator 2.2: All 4 Languages for Mobile 6.x WCI Translator 2.2: All 4 Languages for Mobile 6.x - The WCI Language Translator is a true free-form sentence translator. Translate words, phrases and full sentences between any of the following languages: English, French, German and Spanish
Berlitz Diccionario Basico Espanol-Aleman / Aleman-Espanol for Windows Mobile Berlitz Diccionario Basico Espanol-Aleman / Aleman-Espanol for Windows Mobile
Berlitz Publishing is the unparalleled language-learning market leader, providing the global community with the skills needed to communicate with anyone, anywhere
LingvoSoft FlashCards 2008 German - Arabic LingvoSoft FlashCards 2008 German - Arabic - Learn more while you play! The most effective and enjoyable way to build your vocabulary now includes more than 8000 words!
LingvoSoft FlashCards makes it is simpler to improve your vocabulary and learn thousands of new words
MSPhrase Oxford German - Spanish Latin America Phrasebank (PPC) MSPhrase Oxford German - Spanish Latin America Phrasebank - A complete Oxford phrasebook with over 3,000 current "survival" expressions in German and Spanish Latin America to help travellers and make their trips more comfortable and enjoyable
Pocket Oxford-Duden German Dictionary 5 (PPC) Combining the authority of the Oxford-Duden German Dictionary with the convenience of the Palm handheld and quick-access layout, this easy-to-use dictionary is the ideal reference tool for all those requiring quick and reliable answers to their translation questions
Talking PONS Compact Turkish dictionary for Windows Mobile For almost 30 years PONS has been developing hallmark green dictionaries and language courses for lifelong learning - for students, professional users, travelers and hobby linguists
Other Software by developer «Mobile Systems»:
Oxford Portuguese Minidictionary Oxford Portuguese Minidictionary - The Oxford Portuguese Minidictionary offers up-to-date coverage of essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 100,000 words, phrases, and translations. The dictionary provides a handy and comprehensive reference work to tourists, students, and business people who require quick and reliable answers to their translation needs
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary (PPC) The Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary includes English-Spanish and Spanish-English databases, along with a guide to grammatical terms and will provide invaluable support to anyone learning to speak, read, and write the language
MSDict Pocket Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus MSDict Pocket Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus- This value language pack includes the world's longest-established English dictionary- the Pocket Oxford English Dictionary and the Concise Oxford Thesaurus
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MSPhrase Oxford American English-French Phrasebank (S60 5th Edition) A complete Oxford phrasebook with over 3,000 current "survival" expressions in American English and French to help travellers and make their trips more comfortable and enjoyable. With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation
MSPhrase Oxford German-French Phrasebank (S60 3rd Edition) MSPhrase Oxford German-French Phrasebank (S60 3rd Edition)-
A complete Oxford phrasebook with over 3,000 current "survival" expressions in German and French to help travellers and make their trips more comfortable and enjoyable. With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation
MSPhrase Oxford French-Brazilian Phrasebank (S60 5th Edition) With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation.
This French - Brazilian - French phrasebook is based on the Oxford Phrasebank, specially designed for travel reference
MSDict English Phrases Dictionary (Symbian UIQ) The MSDict English Phrases Dictionary includes variety of phrases, collocations and common idioms. The database provides 11,107 definitions and over 9,800 phrases. The phrases included in this dictionary are chosen among most commonly used American and British English collocations, phrases and common sayings
MSDict Oxford French Minidictionary (S60 5th Edition) Includes English-French and French-English dictionaries and over 100,000 words, phrases and translations. The Oxford French Minidictionary is designed to present essential information of the core French and English vocabulary in accessible format, providing the user with a fast track to clear and effective communication
MSPhrase Oxford French-Chinese Phrasebank (PPC) MSPhrase Oxford French-Chinese Phrasebank - A complete Oxford phrasebook with over 3,000 current "survival" expressions in French and Chinese to help travellers and make their trips more comfortable and enjoyable. With an easy-to-use graphic interface separate icons link to topics covering a common travel situation