Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Dutch for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database.
With its fully adjustable interface it has never been simpler or more comfortable to work with a foreign language. It supports Square screens, High Resolution screens and along with being Windows Mobile Version 5.0 compatible it also allows for screen rotation to make it comfortable to use under any circumstance.
Lingvo Dictionary provides the following:
TTS speech capabilities
Bidirectional vocabulary database with integrated Explanatory English Dictionary
Intelligent Spell-Check function
Advanced Synonym Search
Translations complete with part of speech, gender, comment, transcription, and examples
Includes transcriptions for all English entries
Complete English Grammar resources
Integration with Lingvo Suite components
Vertical or horizontal use of window and tool panels
Untranslatable or unrecognized words are highlighted
Compatible with Windows Mobile Version 5.0 platform or higher
Installation and execution from Extension Card
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Chinese Traditional Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Chinese Traditional for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database
LingvoSoft English - German PhraseBook 2008 LingvoSoft Dictionary 2008 is an instant bilingual translation solution for your handheld. It brings together the most complete databases and accuracy with superior processing ability.
The Dictionary is a component of LingvoSoft Suite, which also combines a PhraseBook and the FlashCards learning application
DictionaryVocabulary2 DictionaryVocabulary2 - This program is a dictionary with 5,301 College vocabulary words. Start typing the word to display a list of words. Tap on the word to display it fullscreen.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
LingvoSoft English - Hungarian Talking PhraseBook 2008 LingvoSoft English - Hungarian Talking PhraseBook 2008 - The intelligent talking solution for portable communication that features more than 14,000 phrases for all common situations.
LingvoSoft Talking PhraseBook provides instant bidirectional translation of thousands of practical and useful phrases
Speereo Voice Translator: English-Danish (WM) Speereo Voice Translator (SVT) is an ideal companion for traveling on business or leisure and also is an excellent aid for business communication. Running on Windows Mobile and Symbian based mobile devices it contains of over 4000 phrases in each of 16+ languages and many other useful features
LingvoSoft English - Spanish Talking PhraseBook 2008 LingvoSoft English - Spanish Talking PhraseBook 2008 - The intelligent talking solution for portable communication that features more than 14,000 phrases for all common situations.
LingvoSoft Talking PhraseBook provides instant bidirectional translation of thousands of practical and useful phrases
LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 Free English - Italian for Pocket PC LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 Free English - Italian for Pocket PC - LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2006 Free English - Italian for Pocket PC provides bidirectional word translation and English and Italian speech synthesis - with a compact and concise database of words and phrases
Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Romanian Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Romanian - Lingvo Dictionary for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database
ECTACO English-Italian FlashCards ECTACO English-Italian FlashCards - Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially made to run on your Mobile Phone! This application will help you memorize close to 7000 foreign words, and all you have to do is play
ECTACO FlashCards English - Latvian for Nokia ECTACO FlashCards English - Latvian for Nokia - Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially made to run on your Mobile Phone! This application will help you memorize close to 7000 foreign words, and all you have to do is play
Lingvo Words 2008 English - French Lingvo Words 2008 English - French - Lingvo Words for Pocket PC will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly.
Now your handheld can be twice as functional: it lets you expand your vocabulary as you play and make use of free time
Lingvo Words 2008 Russian - Hebrew Lingvo Words 2008 Russian - Hebrew will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly
Now your handheld can be twice as functional: it lets you expand your vocabulary as you play and make use of free time
Lingvo Words 2008 French - Russian Lingvo Words 2008 French - Russian will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly.
Now your handheld can be twice as functional: it lets you expand your vocabulary as you play and make use of free time
Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Bosnian Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Bosnian - Lingvo Dictionary for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database
ECTACO FlashCards English - Swedish for Nokia ECTACO FlashCards English - Swedish for Nokia - Learning new words comes easy with ECTACO FlashCards, they are especially made to run on your Mobile Phone! This application will help you memorize close to 7000 foreign words, and all you have to do is play
Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Latin Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Latin - Lingvo Dictionary for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database