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Duden - German dictionary of foreign words for Windows Mobile

Duden - German dictionary of foreign words for Windows Mobile
Version: 1.0

Platforms: Pocket PC

Categories: Dictionary & Translator

Upload date: 10 Jul 10

Developer: Paragon Software Group (SHDD)

License: Shareware

Price: 27.95 $

Downloads: 82

File Size: 25824 Kb

Download Free Trial of Duden - German dictionary of foreign words for Windows Mobile 

Rating: 1.6/5 (Total votes: 5)


Brockhaus Duden Neue Medien GmbH in Mannheim is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bibliographical Institute & F. A. Brockhaus AG publishing house. Duden’'''s reference books and dictionaries are specially meant for journalists, editors, students, interpreters, and translators, as well as for everyone else, who wants to write or speak neatly and stylistically correctly.

Duden German dictionary of foreign words, updated in August 2006 according to the new Official Spelling Rules, offers a thorough survey of the up-to-date and traditional foreign vocabulary presented in the modern German. Thus among the dictionary entries one can find special notes on history, functionality and usage of foreign words in the German language. Duden dictionary of foreign words is irreplaceable reference book for everyone, who wants to use and understand foreign words correctly. The PDA-version of this dictionary facilitates pronunciation mastering and turns it into game due to the audio samples of the most difficult foreign words included in the pack. Audio samples were implemented in cooperation with ARD.

  • More than 55,000 foreign words and technical terms of the German present-day language.
  • Over 400,000 notes on meaning, grammar, spelling, word division, and etymology.
  • New foreign words from the latest language research (e.g. Blog, Internetauktion, MP3-Player, Open-Source-Software, Public Viewing, Sudoku, USB-Stick etc.).
  • Over 8,000 audio pronunciation samples for difficult words.

Opportunities you gain with Duden dictionary:

Browse the dictionary with the touch of a finger! Improved and intuitive touch oriented dictionary interface lets you use Duden dictionary with only your finger-tips.
Reading books, documents, and web-pages on your PDA you can get word translation, explanation or necessary reference quickly by using the Resident Module without leaving your active application. So you do not need to waste time on launching Duden dictionary every time you need it.
Listen to correct pronunciation of the difficult words with built-in German Sound Module provided by ARD databank, containing audio samples pre-recorded by native speakers; with sound module you won’'''t hesitate how to pronounce such words like Ayurveda, Baht, Micropayment, Nonprofitunternehmen, Telenovela, volatil, Weblog etc., and will learn about pronunciation variants in such disputable cases as Audit and Magenta;
Study the language in the most effective way and check yourself with the words you have added to Flash Cards from the dictionary
NEW! List of similar words in case of misspelling.
Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using wildcards ("*", "?" replace a letter and group of letters).
Keep your Duden dictionary always up-to-date. New Online Update feature lets you know of updated dictionary versions available for download and you can set up frequency of update check.
Discover new dictionaries and download it directly to your device with the built-in Online dictionary catalog.
Learn how to use Duden dictionary with the help of colorful and animated Tutorial in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese Traditional and Simplified languages.

Additional tools:

  • Irregular German verbs
  • Hyperlinks between different related articles and directions to check your comprehension
  • Search History to see the translation of last 30 words
  • Supports multiple dictionaries installed at a time with rapid switch amongst them
  • Dictionary interface is available in Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Chinese Traditional and Simplified languages
  • Dictionary installation on memory cards
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Supported operating systems: Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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