IMPORTANT: Do not operate this product while driving; park the vehicle first. It is your sole responsibility to place, secure and use your mobile device in a manner that ensures safe driving.
How many times have you found yourself in a traffic jam, construction zone or blizzard, and wished you could have seen the road conditions up ahead before you got there? Radio reports and roadside signs are all fine and good, but all too often you're already caught up in a problem before you hear or read about it.
Traffic Vizzion makes it possible to see the road ahead by bringing live images from thousands of traffic cameras located across North America and the UK to your Smartphone. Unlike any other traffic camera software, Traffic Vizzion can be used in conjunction with a built-in or external GPS, to automatically show cameras near to your current location, or along the road directly ahead of you, long before you get there!
But wait, there's more! Traffic Vizzion also let's you download high quality maps for your local region and explore those maps using pan and zoom features. If you have a GPS, Traffic Vizzion will display your precise location on the map, so if you take a wrong turn or have to detour around traffic, it's easy to get back on track. Traffic camera locations are shown on the map and can be easily selected for viewing.
Traffic Vizzion can save you time, money and frustration by quickly answering questions such as:
Which route is least congested?
I'm lost! How do I get back on track?
Are those radio reports/roadside displays accurate and up-to-date?
What roads could I take to get from A to B?
What's causing this jam?
How far am I from my destination?
How bad are the weather conditions on my route?
Will taking the toll road / expressway save me time?
Is there an accident up ahead?
Traffic Vizzion can be used by commuters, business travelers, long-haul drivers, delivery drivers, recreationers, or anyone who needs to view maps or see road conditions ahead of time.
Don't have a GPS? No problem, you can still manually pan and scroll maps, and you can still view cameras by selecting your local region and then selecting individual cameras for viewing.
Want to know if your region has coverage? Go to our coverage list at
Got a question? See our FAQ's at
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
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Traffic Vizzion Traffic Vizzion - IMPORTANT: Do not operate this product while driving; park the vehicle first. It is your sole responsibility to place, secure and use your mobile device in a manner that ensures safe driving