TealPaint - Paint, sketch, or draw with TealPaint, the all-in-one graphics paint program for PalmOS.
All new TealPaint Version 6 sets a new standard in handheld image capabilities, offering features previously only available on a desktop
EtchSketch - Since the Palm devices don't have little knobs like the original toy, I use the device hard buttons to move the tiny drawing pen:
- DateBook: left
- Address: right
- To Do: up
- MemoPad: down
And, of course, up and down buttons as well
My Hair is designed to imitate a photo image capturing device. This is for fun only.
All you do is have your friend hold the pda, tap the "Capture Image" button and up pops thier picture.
Well, it isn't really them, they probably look worse.
Use it to tease the kids and amuse your workmates.
There are three seperate images that can be generated
artBMP - Onboard bitmap editor for PocketC and PToolbox Library.
This program created to help developing program using PocketC and PToolbox Library.
But, it maybe useful for any palmOS developer who need to work with bitmap host file
AskiArt(pronounced as ASK-KEY-ART) is the original palm application to display ASCII-Art. These arts can be static or dynamic. They are similar to SMS animation on your phone.
Auto-play - Automatic forwarding for playback of ascii animation.
Create with memo app - You can create as many arts as you like using the memo app
HandStory Basic for Palm OS - Browse Web Clips, read Docs/eBooks, edit Memos, and view Images. 5-in-1 App.
Download your FREE HandStory Basic, acclaimed as "the Swiss Army Knife of media viewers", is the simplest and easiest solution to browse Web Clips, read Docs/Memos/eBooks, edit Memos, and view Images
Pattsie is a simple application for editing custom 8x8 pixel graphics patterns.
It is designed to suit the needs of programmers who do source code editing on their Palm device.
The copy feature formats the hex data with Forth source code in mind, as it was written in Quartus Forth.
If you need some custom patterns for your app, this could help you out a lot