Financial Phrases - This is a database of almost 6,000 financial phrases, terms and abbreviations, created by Dirk Wetter. You can use these as a reference. Whenever you find some unknown phrase, look it up, tap the Commit button and from now on you will know it by heart thanks to SuperMemo repetion spacing tests
German Finance - This is a set of financial phrases and terms in German language, created by Dirk Wetter. You can use it as a reference. Whenever you find some unknown phrase, look it up, tap the Commit button and from now on you will know it by heart thanks to SuperMemo repetion spacing tests
Investment by PDA Berndt provides essential English to German real estate vocabulary that professionals need to communicate with german-speaking business partners.
The eBook is an alphabetically sorted dictionary for easier access in particular field situations and scenarios.
It contains more than 4.000 german terms and expressions and their translations