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Best Software for Forsa Posh.Pad MV7
CE Registry Editor Lite Frequency Tuner
VNC Viewer cemenu
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New Software for Forsa Posh.Pad MV7
Total Software: 620

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SMath StudioSMath Studio Pocket PC, Win CE, Smartphone Version: 0.87 updated
Upload date: 14 Feb 10
Tags: Science & Education
SMath Studio is a math program with "paper"-like interface. It has an ability to work with systems, matrices, vectors, complex numbers, infinities and fractions
.NET VNC Viewer.NET VNC Viewer Pocket PC, Win CE, Smartphone Version:
Upload date: 31 Jan 10
Tags: Internet & Communications, System Utilities
.NET VNC Viewer is a VNC viewer written entirely in C#. It is binary compatible with Smartphones, Pocket PCs and Windows desktops (with .NET Compact Framework or .NET Framework). I write this mainly because other VNC viewers on Pocket PC do not do full screen and screen rotation. Features: - Of course, basic VNC viewer functionalities. - Full screen mode
PocketGPS MapPocketGPS Map Pocket PC, Win CE Version: 1.0
Upload date: 24 Jan 10
Tags: Travel & Navigation
PocketGPS Map-The program views calibrated bitmap maps (moving maps) on Pocket PC / WinCE platform. Additionaly it supports using GPS device to retrieve user position and show it (with other marks) in map - making it very handy for geocaching
SkweezerSkweezer Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm, Series 60, Series 80, Series 90, UIQ, Win CE, Smartphone Version: 1.2
Upload date: 6 Dec 09
Tags: Internet & Communications
Shareware 0.00 $
Skweezer is a Mobile HTML Transcoder for users of handheld devices such as personal digital assistants and mobile phones. Skweezer reformats and compresses web content in order to reduce a web page's file size and makes the downloaded content easier to view on a small screen. Skweezer was developed by Skweezer, Inc. (f.k.a
SuperWabaSuperWaba Pocket PC, Palm, Win CE Version: 5.84 updated
Upload date: 18 Oct 09
Tags: Programming & Development, System Utilities
Best Java Virtual Machine for PalmOS, Windows CE and Symbian
Travel ExpensesTravel Expenses Pocket PC, Win CE Version: 1.2.6
Upload date: 19 Aug 09
Tags: Finance, Travel & Navigation
Travel Expenses is a simple form that allows you to keep track of your traveling expenses so you can import them into your favorite spreadsheet. Travel Expenses Features: - Track Daily Expenses. - Choose from standard expense categories such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. - Enter new category Entries
Mobile TradingMobile Trading Pocket PC, Win CE Version: 1.0
Upload date: 2 Jul 09
Tags: Business & Profession
New age of mobile solutions
SmartMovieSmartMovie Pocket PC, Tablet, Smartphone Version: 3.41
Upload date: 15 May 09
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
Shareware 28.99 $
Play your videos on your mobile device, anywhere, anytime, you need just a few steps: Convert any video file on your PC into a phone-friendly video file. Upload video into device/memory card. Play the video in SmartMovie Player installed on your mobile device
BLOCKHEADBLOCKHEAD Pocket PC, Win CE, Smartphone Version: 4.5
Upload date: 11 May 09
Tags: Games
Shareware 14.95 $
Logical game "Blockhead" is to form words. You can play against your PocketPC or other player.There is a 5-letter word in the middle of the gaming field, consisting of 25 cells.You are to concoct new word which consists of the letters presenting on the field and one letter you add to. You have first move
Packet exchange with TSDPacket exchange with TSD Pocket PC, Win CE Version: 1.0
Upload date: 10 May 09
Tags: Business & Profession, Databases
Shareware 0.00 $
Packet exchange with terminal DB
Random Application for
Forsa Posh.Pad MV7

Top Downloads
1DVD Catalyst Free
2Smart Mahjongg (Windows Mobile)
4Microsoft ActiveSync
8IMPlus All-in-One Messenger Pro
9TCPMP Plugins
11CE Registry Editor Lite
12SMath Studio
13Voice Clock
14SQL Server Mobile 2005
16BetaPlayer Plugins UNSTABLE
17SunVox (Palm OS/Windows Mobile/Maemo)
19SMath KN
22.NET VNC Viewer
25Haali Reader CE.NET
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