SunVox is a small, fast and powerful music sequencer with modular synthesizers. It is a tool for those people who want to compose music anywhere. Modular interface. Highly optimized synth algorithms. Flexible architecture: SunVox can working on various devices. For example: PDA with slow CPU - 16bit sound (fixed point arithmetic); or big PC with powerful CPU: 32bit sound (floating point arithmetic).
· Export to WAV. Built-in synthesizers:· FM synthesizer; Generator (saw,triangle,square,noise waveforms); Sampler (supported formats: WAV, XI); SpectraVoice (FFT-based synthesizer for analog-like pads)Kicker Stereo Delay Distortion Echo Filter (Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Notch)Vocal Filter Flanger LFO Loop Reverb (with DC Blocking Filter).
What's new in 1.7.3c:
· additional LFO module waveforms: sin2 (correct sine), saw, saw2;
· added ability to record into the selected Sampler slot;
· fixed bug with JACK MIDI input;
· fixed bug with the Sampler base note calculation;
· base note for the Vorbis Player is C5;
· new song (examples): april_song.
What's New in 1.6.4:
· new module: Side Chain Compressor;
· new module: DrumSynth with 120 unique synthetic drum sounds;
· new module: Amplifier;
· added multitrack WAV export;
· double click on the empty area of Sound Net -> Create a new module;
· double click on some pattern of Timeline - Open a window with pattern properties;
· maximum BPM increased to 800;
· interactive waveform drawing added to Generator (only for type 4 (dirty));
· added new simple examples: compressor, drumsynth1-4;
· added new examples: chain reaction;
· iOS: added stereo mode to Input module;
· iOS: added Online Help (in Main Menu);
· many bugs fixed.
What's New in 1.6.3:
· fixed several serious bugs in sound engine;
· added a new standard effect 07 - set sample offset by a percentage (from 0000 to 8000).
What's New in 1.6.2:
· quantization noise is reduced by 4 times (on smartphones and pocket computers);
· added Lo-Fi (fixed point) SunVox versions for slow computers (only for Win32 and Linux x86);
· improved sound quality of the following modules: Generator, SpectraVoice;
· new Generator waveforms: half-sine (6); abs-sine (7); pulse-sine with duty cycle (8);
· added copy and paste of modules;
· added new control "Velocity" to MultiSynth module;
· added ASIO support (for Windows only);
· now Sampler can record signals from another modules; just connect some output module (Generator, for example) to the Sampler and press the "Rec", "Rec mono" or "Rec LoFi" button under the Sampler controllers; "Rec" - record stereo; "Rec mono" - record mono; "Rec LoFi" - record mono with reduced sampling frequency;
· added base MIDI IN/OUT in versions for Linux (ALSA), OSX and iOS (CoreMidi), Windows (MM);
· supported MIDI IN commands: NoteON/OFF;
· supported MIDI OUT commands: NoteON/OFF; Control Change; Program Change; Bank Select;
· use controllers with number 80+X to send MIDI Control Change; where the X is MIDI Controller Number; for example: 8100 8000 - set Modulation (MSB and LSB) to the max value;
· added Input module for audio receiving from microphone or line-in; at the moment only iOS supported; the Input for other systems will be available in the next releases;
· iOS: added D-pad for more precise cursor positioning in the pattern editor;
· iOS: added Audio Copy/Paste (Intua Audio Sharing); Sonoma compatible; Where to find: Main menu -> Export/import -> Copy/Paste;
· iOS: added multitouch support to Touch Theremin;
· iOS: added multitouch support to piano keyboard;
· added Preferences (in the Main menu);
· templates support (in the Preferences);
· fixed bug with overload of EQ module;
· added new songs and instruments (samples);
· many bugs fixed.
What's New in 1.6.1:
· Win Mobile: fixed bug with spectrum analyzer freezing What's New in 1.6:
· GUI improvement and optimization;
· Maemo port (tested on Nokia N900);
· iOS: added screen orientation locking;
· iOS 4 multitasking support;
· iOS: added file sharing (SunVox < - > iTunes);
· added spectrum analyzer;
· new module: OGG Vorbis Player; note: this module is not available for the PalmOS devices;
· new module: Amplitude Modulator (multiplier);
· added new controller in the "Distortion": "Noise";
· added LFO to the "Filter";
· improved sound quality of the "FM module;
· improved sound quality of the "Kicker" module;
· added high-quality cubic interpolation to the "Sampler" module; note: this mode doesn't work on handheld devices with integer engine;
· added a set of built-in color themes;
· you can specify your own colors using the c_0, c_1, c_2 and c_3 options in the sunvox_config file; example: c_0 #00FF80;
· added UNDO/REDO functions (trough the main menu or CTRL + Z / CTRL + Y / SHIFT + CTRL + Z);
· added "edit step" to the pattern editor;
· new keyboard shortcut (pattern editor): CTRL + MINUS - decrease edit step;
· new keyboard shortcut (pattern editor): CTRL + PLUS - increase edit step;
· correct solo/mute handling in the "MultiSynth" module;
· added "Module remapping" function (main menu -> edit -> remap);
· fixed bug with relative note in the "MultiSynth";
· sunvox_config: added "zoom" option; you can use it for larger pixels on Linux devices with SDL, or on WinCE devices with RAW video driver; example of usage: zoom 2;
· added new songs and simple examples;
· many bugs fixed
What's New in 1.5.5d:
· fixed bug with cursor on the timeline;
· fixed bug with WAV/AIFF/XI preview;
· fixed bug with scrollbar.
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Nokia Internet Tablet OS 2006 Maemo 2.1, Nokia Internet Tablet OS 2007 Maemo 3.0, Nokia Internet Tablet OS 2008 Maemo 4.0, Nokia Internet Tablet OS 2008 Maemo 4.1, Nokia Internet Tablet OS Maemo 5.0, Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x, WinCE.Net 3.0, WinCE.Net 4.0, WinCE.Net 5.0, WinCE.Net 6.0, Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Standard
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