Morange is a FREE mobile internet service & community that enables you to stay in touch with your social networks on-the-go, view friend's update, shout outs and free live chat with them through MSN, googletalk and so on
Glympse for Windows Mobile - Glympse is a safe way to share your location with friends in real-time. Your buddy can view your estimated time of arrival and location only for the time period specified by you. When the timer expires, your location is no longer visible.
Friends do not need additional software to view your location
F1 Season 2010 (Windows Mobile) - This application gives you detailed information about the F1 championship Season 2010 in several languages. It contains information about the circuits, drivers and teams. It is also possible to fill in the race results or update the race results on-line
SmartTouch mobile apps gives you FREE, fast, easy access to Facebook, Google, Amazon and other favorites, all through texting. No data plan required. Our simple scroll-and-click text messaging system shortcuts the cost and hassle of data plans so you can get what you want, when you want
Star EnForcer -
This little utility will automatically detect if the SIM card of a smartphone or pocket pc was replaced. Star EnForcer will automatically send a SMS message to a previously specified phone number containing the new SIM IMSI and current location in hexa LAC-CID combination. The message will repeat every 30 minutes
Fake Call is a quick and easy way to "call yourself" in order to politely escape social situations.
While pretending to receive a phone call is possible without any special software, this usually takes too many awkward key presses and fumbling. Fake Call makes it as easy as pressing 1 button, and provides an extremely realistic incoming call experience
Welcome to the fastest mobile internet experience on the planet! Viigo is a free mobile application, giving you instant access to Entertainment, Sports, Traffic Reports, Weather, Business, Blogs, RSS and Free Cool Services on your WM Smart Phone