Voyager is a file explorer for Pocket PC's with some additional features than the standard file explorer. Voyager is based on .NET technology. So you need to install the .NET Compact Framework (CF) if you are not using Windows Mobile 2003 (WM2003) or later. Newer devices have the CF framework already installed and you just need to install Voyager
tGetFile.dll-Microsoft has provided a restricted File Dialog for Pocket PCs and Palm-size PCs. The dialog can open files only under the "My Documents".
tGetFile.dll is an alternative File Dialog which does not have this restriction. With tGetFile.dll installed, Tillanosoft PocketNotepad or such programs that support tGetFile
GSFinder+ is a great File Manager and a perfect replacement for the default Windows CE/PocketPC File Explorer. GSFinder was first created by Y. Nagamidori as an open source application.
GSFinder+ is an advanced version of GSFinder made by M
rcmd - enables you to execute commands like dir, del, copy etc. to be executed on a mobile device. RCMD enables you to remote execute common commands like dir, del on your mobile device and displaying the result on your desktop PC or laptop. RCMD also offers some specialized commands like tskedit, tedit, sbackup etc
File Dialog Changer -This is one of those little utilities that hardly takes up any space on your Pocket PC but which makes life a lot easier: the program replaces the "Save As..." dialog box in applications and provides a decidely more complete interface with more ergonomic navigation. It's the type of program that shows Microsoft how it should be done
Pocket SendTo - An Internet Explorer Plug-in that allows you to send Selected Text to the Pocket PC as a note/txt file. Usage:
Simply select the text you wish to send and select the 'Send To Notes(PPC)' or 'Send To Text(PPC) option from the Context(Right-Click) Menu
Storage Manager - Based on the original Windows CE Storage Manager. Install CAB file and go to Settings->System->Storage Manager
Storage Manager allows you to manage your memory cards and partitions. You can format and unmount memory cards. You can create/delete/mount/unmount partitions on memory cards